Does anybody get FLACK from Family and Friends for having Chickens?

i learned along time ago to ignore what people say an think about my cows an chickens.even my mom hates the turkeys lolol.but thats because she dont like emm crapping all over the concrete.ive spent my life stepping in manure.but turkey crapp is bad news.i can be boring to talk to because i love talking about an promoting beefmasters.i can run my friends nuts talking cows.
Some might get a little jealous because you thought of raising chickens before them.

But so far with me, everyone tells me they want to be a customer for eggs when ours start laying (about August) and no one has gave me flack about anything. Now my hubby has been giving me funny looks every time I say I am going to order more.
My family jokes about me getting chickens, but they like them. Thats how I came up with my user name from my family calling me chickenboy. My grandpa is real happy I got them, he use to have 2,000. He comes over to see them. When I was in public school everybody use to laugh at me for getting chickens.
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That's reaction I am always hoping for
instead I get "That's cool"
or I had or someone I know has/had............ Even my mom thought it was cool and said "I remember when I was a little girl my mom would give me bacon rinds and I would watch the chicks play tug of war with it, happiest times in my life".
Let's hope! My neighbor (the one who doesn't like our bees, wait til she sees four hives out there instead of one) came over the other night fluttering her eyelashes asking sweetly what we were building out back - when I told her it was a chicken coop her face twisted up and the cried "You're not getting roosters!
" I assured her I wasn't, but I was getting 15 chickens for eggs. She'll be over to try for free eggs, she'll be paying for them, though!
I don' t blame ya. I'm gonna charge for mine, Unless I have all roos

but by the time mine should start laying ( Aug. or Sept.) they will probably be $3.50 a doz. in the stores.
My 17 year old son thought I was nuts when I brought home two pigs to raise last spring, till he tasted the bacon in the fall lol so he is pretty stoked now that we have our chicks he is waiting for fresh eggs and bacon plus all his friends love to see the chicks ! Most people I tell that Im raising chickens all seem to have the same reaction ( what are you nuts lol) then its ( if you have any extra eggs i would love to try them) same as it was when they heard about the pigs lol I can take the ribbing I get, my freezer is full!
My friends and family think its great as a lot of my mates live locally in our rural area its the norm, but at work in the town, my townie mates think I'm mad (in a good way) and laugh at me, but they also ask how my chicks are doing, and they often ask if there are any eggs going, and I always charge them - it covers the cost of the feed! They seem to enjoy the taste better from my eggs than the shop eggs. Any one who pokes fun at us chiken folk are ignorant to the fun we have, and deep down just jealous. Good luck to you and don't listen to them you do what you want and keep what chickens you want - thay all bring much pleasure.

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