Does anybody get FLACK from Family and Friends for having Chickens?

Personnally, I LIKE being the one who stands out from the crowd. I enjoy being different and doing "crazy" things. It makes me special and everyone on here is special too!! We have that little extra something, and that makes me hopeful for the world. Finding all of you and sharing this particular interest in chickening makes me thrilled. I don't need anyone in my life to put me down, and I am NEVER afraid to say so!!!
to all those poopy heads!!!
Just laugh em' off. They are the ones that are jealous that you took on the task of raising chickens and matter of fact enjoying the benefits of having them.

Chickens are my therapy. They give me joy, laughter, enrichment, nourishment, and just help me keep my sanity. I'm a homemaker and these chickens are my pride and joy.

My family even have enjoyed them also. My grandfather raised White Leghorns and for the life of me I don't remember the chickens he had were as personable as mine are, of course I don't have the leghorns. Pop used to get mad at us kids if we went to gather the eggs, that was his job. So, I'm just like my pop!

Just ignore people's remarks. They are just plain ignorant.
I agree Chessy, its jealousy! The people that have something to say about it usually live in the city where their yard looks like everyone elses and their neibors know everything they do. We have a freedom most people dont. I love my pets and I love being the type of person I am. I too am a home maker and I love taking care of my "family". All of which are listed below!
Ya i do,

but recently there tone quickly faids when i tell them that i sell my eggs for $2 a doz, same as what they by there wally-world eggs for and mine are WAY better.

then they kinda get this look like... well i want some!
same as schmism.
It is mostly older people who had to look after the hens before school that think that it is a chore rather than a hobby.
Younger people soon get around to asking 'how many eggs a day do you get?' followed by 'do you have any to spare?'
Just enjoy your hobby and do not worry about it.
I have a good friend that is a horse person. She thinks chickens are stinky and stupid. But heah, they give us a high quailty protien, and dont cost as much to maintain! She cant (or seriously shouldn't) eat her horses!
I love my chickens, plain and simple. I work in a hospital and get flack all the time about them. When last year I told people I was getting them so many people tried to talk me out of this saying they smelled, were dirty animals ect. My coop does not smell and my birds are fairly clean pending a dust bath or two. They are probally cleaner than most dogs. I have been working alot of ot this week and one of the doc's said you must be saving for your vacation this summer. I said "nope got my eye on a new cute chicken coop" He just looked at me and laughed, I said what do you expect I'm a country girl." By the way this doc orders 3 doz eggs religioulsy every week for the last 4 months or so.
The other day I got a shock. I had a friend over and she looked at the chickens and said "Birds are disgusting creatures." I was flabbergasted! My daughter was running in and out of the coop bringing birds out for her to look at. I couldn't believe that she would be so rude! I know who NOT to offer eggs to.

I take depression/anxiety meds. I can be showing signs of an anxiety attack and go out to talk to my chickens and just watching them relaxes me.

Phooey on the people who don't get it.
Hurray for all the dare- to -be -different folks out there!!! I think that people who make fun of these kinds of things are basically insecure and too scared to stand out and be different to indulge in anything so singular. I think a lot of it is ignorance, really. A couple of years ago I was raising a flock in the town where I lived and people at work were apalled! Well, a discussion arose one day about eggs and I quoted a line from "Fried Green Tomatoes"....y'all know it, I know you do! One of the ladies, in her late 50s mind you, said, " Eggs don't come out of a chicken's butt!!!!" I informed her that they did indeed come from such a place. Every one of the women in the van (6 of them!) thought the same as this lady....they thought that chickens had a vagina, like humans, from whence the eggs emerged. As if that sounded more appealing????
Well, when I finally explained the anatomy of a chicken, they all swore off eating eggs then and there. The original lady said she had just made a large tray of deviled eggs for the holidays and she was going right home and throwing them away!!!! Can ya beat that? And this was a rural community!!!!

So chicken lovers unite!!! We will keep all the funny stories, yummy eggs, soft and beautiful feathers and peaceful, pastoral scenes for ourselves.....those other sheep are too ignorant with which to share!!! Let's keep all the fun to ourselves!!!
People have thought me odd my whole life, and I'm glad for it. Why be normal? It's over rated!
You think people think you're strange? I've got thousands of stinging insects in my backyard that we work with all the time, the chickens will be a much tamer addition!
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