Does anyone have children with Aspergers?

different issue than what I thought you meant. I tent to have repeating phrases in my head, but typically not out my mouth. as a kid, I counted - similar objects (like red cars), events (like the number of bumps that made the car squeek on the way to somewhere), or just numbers one after the other until I lost track, then I'd start over.

don't have much to offer on this one, other than to say if it's comforting or pleasing behavior to him, or even just a habbit, simply stopping, or even cutting down, might not be something he has the ability to do at the moment. nature abhors a vacuum... to halt a reassuring behavior leaves a vacuum, and in my experience, vacuums fill up with anxiety. substituting something *else* for the behavior may work. vocal repetition sounds like maybe more an ADHD behavior than a AS behavior - at least it doesn't match up with my particular experience.

maybe have him write it down - that helps me quiet repeating thoughts - sort of fixes them to the paper so I don't have to rehearse them in my head. or make a picture of it, or cut parts out of a magazine to represent it... or make tick marks on a sheet each time he thinks it instead of saying it.. maybe channel it into something else - like say it in 8 languages instead of one. or keep count of the number of times he thinks it on an abbacus (that's a fun math-oriented toy/tool/skill). anyway, I can see where just stopping would be hard for him to do. sometimes a diversionary behavior is a better tactic than the power struggle that can come out of trying to get him to do something he really can't manage yet.

anyway, my thoughts.

ETA: this is the point where my rules of social behavior indicate I should stop offering unsolicited advice and shut up

so if I can help, let me know, otherwise I'll just hang out and read the thread.
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Bullet, exactly, just exactly! DD gets upset to see Daddy having to go on a trip or thinks he will never come back.

zzGypsy, I did try those questions, she would keep going on and on and her favorite is the Pirates of Caribbean and boy, she has to act like him, put a red bandanna on her head and do some swatchbucking moves. LOL! Kept saying over and over, Jack does this....Jack does this...Jack said this....UGH!

Like her beloved Gretl, that just passed away last week, "why does she has to go?" "I want to die now so I can be with her", etc. and I kept reassuring her that she will be here for you when your time is up. And if you do die, mommy and daddy will be very sad and we do not want you to go. etc but she has very little concept of the conquences of once an animal or person dies. My dad had a talk with her about death and he told her everyone has to die, a very special place up there for all of us to go. She bawled her eyes out when he said he will go too even he does not have much time left on this Earth and so will Mommy and Daddy but they will be here for a while longer. After he takes her an outing, she came back repeat the same episodes again........sigh!
My grandson has an Asperger's diagnosis. It has been a constant struggle for my daughter attempting to work with the school district to see that he gets an education and one that is free from constant bullying. It took an entire wasted year, but now he is in a small private school, paid for by the school district, and is doing very well. It's important to address the anxiety and depression that can many times go along with "not fitting in" as well. My grandson has been working with a psychologist for years and is also in a social skills group, both of which have been life savers.
We had a talk about death and things this morning. he wants to learn about God and evolution. which is okay with me. we started talking about and he decided he wants to be God......... ugh! he doesn't think he will die he is going to live forever...... his ideals are funny at times, I just don't know how to explain things sometimes.
Oh don't I know it.... You should hear our thanksgiving plans every year. my son's first pet was a bbb tom. his name was chilli. Isaak could hug him and everything. so now we are not allowed to eat turkeys. (he wants to be a turkey & duck farmer) and turkey farmers don't eat their turkeys or ducks. so we have turkey cookie cutters and now a duck which I'm buying off of ebay at this very moment. we make jello cut outs of the turkeys and the ducks and we eat that way. my mom freaks out because we don't have a "traditional" thanksgiving. so does my mother in law. but you know what I don't care. it makes Isaak happy and we don't mind it either so it has become our family tradition to do it that way. do you have any strange things like that with your daughter?
Yay Chicks! :

My grandson has an Asperger's diagnosis. It has been a constant struggle for my daughter attempting to work with the school district to see that he gets an education and one that is free from constant bullying. It took an entire wasted year, but now he is in a small private school, paid for by the school district, and is doing very well. It's important to address the anxiety and depression that can many times go along with "not fitting in" as well. My grandson has been working with a psychologist for years and is also in a social skills group, both of which have been life savers.

I went through this the first 2 years at my son's old school. no one there was trained to handle him. his first year in kindegarted they did a lock down drill at school and it scared Isaak bad. so what did he do he jumped up and started being a bird. well instead of trying to figure out the problem they threatend to expell him. the school held him back because of social issues and he spent the next year of kindegarten they were always arguing with him in class and he has odd so that fuels his fire even more! and he would argue back and get detention. they accused him of stealing on no grounds other than he was at the bookfair with many other kids that day. so what I did is I called the school he is now which is a Godsend and explained our situation and we talked with the principal a few times and took Isaak up for a tour of the school and the principal told him about all the programs they have and was great with him. Now he is very happy and speaking some chineese. and spanish. I have had to fight with him about going to school the past 2 years this year we haven't fought about it yet. it's a big weight off of me knowing that I did the better thing for him at this moment. This school has teachers and everything that are fully trained on how to deal with autisim/asp and everything!​
This was the book that made me finally realize that my grown son had Aspergers....we just didn't know what to call it all those years. As I read the book, I'd call my mother and say, "Listen to this! Who does that sound like?" She would reply, "Joel!"

Good book and an amazing story!
I went through this the first 2 years at my son's old school. no one there was trained to handle him. his first year in kindegarted they did a lock down drill at school and it scared Isaak bad. so what did he do he jumped up and started being a bird. well instead of trying to figure out the problem they threatend to expell him. the school held him back because of social issues and he spent the next year of kindegarten they were always arguing with him in class and he has odd so that fuels his fire even more! and he would argue back and get detention. they accused him of stealing on no grounds other than he was at the bookfair with many other kids that day. so what I did is I called the school he is now which is a Godsend and explained our situation and we talked with the principal a few times and took Isaak up for a tour of the school and the principal told him about all the programs they have and was great with him. Now he is very happy and speaking some chineese. and spanish. I have had to fight with him about going to school the past 2 years this year we haven't fought about it yet. it's a big weight off of me knowing that I did the better thing for him at this moment. This school has teachers and everything that are fully trained on how to deal with autisim/asp and everything!

Glad you got him into a good school. It makes all the difference!
I would like to see the updates on our BYCers dealing with Aspergers. Please do chime in!

Finally, at the fifth doctor, my dd HAS the Asperger's and ADHD! Hubby is diagnosed with Adult Aspergers. We had to find another therapist and another doctor to confirm the Asperger's. Hubby is still in denial and he thinks its a "bad thing" to have and people should quit putting a "label" on him. (smacks forehead)

I read that a partner that has Asperger's have a 80 percent chance of divorces. Not a good odd, isn't it?

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