Does he stand a chance?

Congrats on the baby(babies?)! :ya

So sorry, was a busy long day today!

We do things differently in an incubator since it's already not natural... my ducks never roll their eggs so the pip is always up and have great hatch rates, just fyi... also, ducks are more known for helping ducklings hatch out of the shell... she might have gotten a bit overly excited and overzealous thinking the duckling was in distress and just got too rough... with young, new mamas it's hard for them sometimes too when natural instincts kick in and they just aren't quite sure what they're supposed to do... I know it doesn't change the unfortunate outcome, but might help you understand a bit more... if she has calmed down and is doing well, then I would definitely give her a chance to continue... but if you feel the ducklings are in danger, pull them... just listen to your gut and go with that...
2 new babies this morning! Still waiting on baby 4 :)
ended up with 2 black Swedish mixes and the 2 others. I have someone who wants to buy 3 of them, when should I take them from the mom?
Thanks all. It was so sad :'( I know it was what nature must have intended but my mama duck has been awful.... she started her nest with 15 eggs, 2 ended up unfertilized. And she's crushed quite a few, this is the only one I thought to be able to be saved. She only has 4 left in her nest now, a couple late term deaths, but most were smooshed, or she kicked them out for some reason. 2 are internally pipped and 2 have externally pipped and started their zips. Here's hoping these 4 are healthy. Should I take them from her to put in a brooder? Or let her keep them. Based on how many eggs she's broken I'm worried about the babies
sounds like she was a BAD mum! :hit

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