Does my duckling have a problem?

I had a proper feel of this spot and it's just flat feathers
Oops! I'll keep you updated on how she progresses x thanks!

Ok good
and yes please keep me updated
by the way she's so precious! I've thought about getting call ducks because I prefer a noisy duck than a quiet one and plus they're just adorable! What other ducks do you have?
We only have call ducks, except our drake! Not too sure what he is, he's on the right :)


We did have an Indian runner drake but he was a very excited young lad and would squish our female ducks which were much smaller than him, we rehomed him with bigger ducks ;)
We only have call ducks, except our drake! Not too sure what he is, he's on the right :)


We did have an Indian runner drake but he was a very excited young lad and would squish our female ducks which were much smaller than him, we rehomed him with bigger ducks ;)


This is my girl <3

Aw, they're all so cute! And I'm not quite sure what breed your Drake is, he's pretty though
This is my only duck, Pearl, she's a crested buff Orpington :)

Like I had mentioned before, her brother Pete sadly died of neurological issues :(

She is so beautiful! Sorry about Pete :( I haven't lost any ducks yet, I can't even imagine it! I've only had ducks for 2 years, they're the best pets!
She is so beautiful! Sorry about Pete :( I haven't lost any ducks yet, I can't even imagine it! I've only had ducks for 2 years, they're the best pets!

Pearl says thank you :)

I've only had my ducks/chickens for 6 months (first time with both) and Pete passed away in may (he was two month's old) but it felt longer, the saddest part was watching Pearl quack for him, before he passed they could never be separated :( and I love ducks more then I thought I would, when I was thinking about getting ducks I was telling everyone how i would prefer chickens over ducks, and now here I am, thinking about getting 7 more in the spring, I now prefer ducks than chickens but I love both. I want some Indian runners, blue Swedish, magpies and another buff Orpington, but none crested and I've thought about call ducks

Your ducks are just gorgeous though, what print/color are they?

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