Does the 'feathering in rule' ring true?


designated lawn flamingo
9 Years
May 27, 2010
Reno, Nevada
You know- the one that states that roosters feather in more slowly? How young can you start relying on this rule? I have three week-old chicks. One has tail feathers already, the other two do not. Came from ideal.
Well, it rings true with the (bantam0 Barred Rocks I have. By five weeks - earlier, even - it was really obvious who was who. The red faces on the cockerels confirmed my ID. Here's Lurch, a little cockerel, at around eight weeks:


And Biscuit, a pullet of the same age:

7&8 :

Well, it rings true with the (bantam0 Barred Rocks I have. By five weeks - earlier, even - it was really obvious who was who. The red faces on the cockerels confirmed my ID. Here's Lurch, a little cockerel, at around eight weeks:

And Biscuit, a pullet of the same age:

I have laughed until I cried and my sides ache! Please forgive me, Lurch. I'm sure you are a sweetie!

I'm watching closely and I guess I'll be able to confirm it in about 6 more weeks
I've got 5 White Leghorns, 2 with tail feathers and very long feathered out wings, 3 without tail feathers and their wings are divided into short and long feathers. All will be two weeks old on Saturday. If everything I read holds true with the feathering rule - I'll have 2 pullets and 3 roos.
For me it seemed the opposite with the exception that the white leghorn which im ninety percent sure is a too feathered out slowly till about four to five weeks then seemed like growth exploded almost eve night his tail grew long and started to curl(unless hens have long tail feathered too?, but it seems like my leghorn has more red skin coming in on the face faster so im sure its a too?) And he got the red skin under his beak and around behind the eyes? Their six weeks old today and I still haven't heard any crowing so who know help me guys
Not with me. My Cochin pullet did not start feathering until she was 5 weeks old. My neighbor across the street had a very slow feathering Wyandotte pullet as well. It was even slower feathering then my Cochin.
With mine, it seems that the slowest feathering ones are roos, HOWEVER, fast feathering does not equal pullet.
I have five definite baby NN roos right now and only one is a baldy and slow feathering roo. The rest feathered in as fast or faster than my presumed pullets. So it's really not a good way to tell, at least in my experience - maybe it differs by breed.

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