Dog Attack-Injured Feral Pigeon


eepy thing =w=
Sep 13, 2020
your walls ;3
A dog got a pigeon at the park yesterday :\
It doesn't seem to be able to fly, but I'm not sure if the wing is broken because he holds it normally. But when he tries to fly, one wing flaps and the other does too, but slower and weaker so he flies uneven. He seems uncoordinated and when I pick him up he twists his head all the way upside down. He has a wound on his wing but it looks old. From what I could see the dog grabbed him by the wing but let go a few seconds later. He's sitting in a box now, hes pooping well but I haven't tried to feed him yet.
seems like a possible star gazer brain injury case but i do not really know as there are no wild pigeons in my town yet
UPDATE: the pigeon, who's name is now Bird because why not, is settled in to a small dog kennel outside in view of my other pigeons. He's eating and drinking well, and he gets up onto a low perch, but he still can't fly. I was researching his symptoms and im suspecting he has pigeon parymoxovirus. His wing tremors and his neck twists when hes nervous, and when he flies her just kind of somersaults on the ground. He walks around well and when he eats his head is always a little tilted to the side. But I have a few questions:

Will he need a bigger cage? His cage he's in now is 1.5 foot by 1.5 foot so that he can find everything easier. And since he cant fly I dont see why he'd need a taller cage.

How can I make sure my pigeons dont get infected?

And is he able to recover and be able to be released? Or will Bird be permanently handicapped?

Should he be kept inside or can he have his own cage outside? I bring him in at night after the Nugget indecent when I had my pigeon Nugget in a dog kennel on the ground overnight and he got taken and killed by a raccoon.

And I wonder if Bird could hang with my quail? They're half his size and couldn't hurt him, and I dont think he'd hurt them either with his uncoordination.
Hey kiwi how are your other two pigeons
Are they pumping out babies
They're great! They've raised one brood, but one of the babies escaped the coop and flew away. Hoping she comes back :\
They have been trying to lay more eggs, but I took out their nest box to try to discourage them since I don't really want more babies now. But they laid a batch of eggs anyways and both broke. So maybe I'll let them hatch one more time since I lost a pigeon.
Bird is doing well, I've been letting him wander around the front yard when I'm outside. He's managed to get onto a log that's three feet off the ground. He tends to hang around the pigeon coop often. He's beginning to get a little fiesty and when I try to pick him up he lets out one grumpy coo growl thing and wing-slaps me. He's gone at me with his beak too.

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