Dog fence??


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
I really have NO idea what section of the forum this would go under so I just put it here for now and you can feel to move it, mods/whoever does that.

Anyways, we decided we need to build a fence for the dog so that he can have his own yard to "guard" to help with his training (that's a separate story) and also so we can let him out without having to tie him to a rope and I need help.

I have a lot of ideas, thanks to some friends on Tumblr, and I got to thinking that something like a wood framed hardware cloth fence might be best but that might get pricey and I'm not sure it would be strong enough?

So then we thought of going back to the idea my dad had a while ago of buying the stuff with the bigger holes and heavier gauge, for like horses and stuff, from our local feed store since we know the manager, but that might get pricey too.

I also found this website: and the dog fencing or 7 ft deer fencing seems like a good option but I don't know. It seems like a pretty good price though but again, I don't know.

There just so many options, you know?

So I guess, long story short, I need to know what the cheapest, easiest, and strongest option is. I know it varies but opinions.

I also need help with the dig skirt and fence height.

The friend had initially said it should be like 6 feet tall because he's so big but then they said if I didn't think he would jump it (which I don't think he will, he's lazy), it could be shorter and the dog they dog sit's yard is only 4/5 feet tall. So I'm thinking maybe I'll make it 4 or 5 feet instead of 6 and add rollers but then again, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

I think a bigger priority though, since he's lazy and also smart, would be to make the dig skirt since I feel like if anything, he would dig out. I don't even think he'd do that but I want to be 100% sure.


I know most people say it has to be like 1-2 feet down and maybe 6 inches out but I guess what I'm wondering is do you think it should be on the outside, inside, or both?

Also might eventually fence or screen in the garden for the cat but that's another story.

But yeah. Dog fence?

Oh and also, do you think it's strong enough for him? He's a 3 year old neutered male Black Lab/Great Pyrenees mix, by the way. Right now he's about 137 pounds but he really should be at least 10 pounds less. Over the summer he was 127 so he gained some weight since the last vet visit. But that's still big and strong.

I don't want him jumping over, biting/plowing through, or digging out, of "his" yard.

So help?

Thanks in advance.

oh and I can measure the yard if anybody wants
if you are worried about him jumping or digging, adding an invisible (underground) fence around the interior of hte area might be an option, depending on how big an area you plan to fence. The physical fence will keep him from running through the invisible fence. the shock of the invisible fence will keep him from jumping or digging though the physical fence.
if you are worried about him jumping or digging, adding an invisible (underground) fence around the interior of hte area might be an option, depending on how big an area you plan to fence. The physical fence will keep him from running through the invisible fence. the shock of the invisible fence will keep him from jumping or digging though the physical fence.
That could definitely be an option and I hadn't even thought of that so thank you!

The only thing is though that I wouldn't want him to just be shocked for no reason, like if he's playing and the toy goes over there. I know the safe zone is usually only a few inches or a foot away but it still could add up especially since it's just the back and side yards, both of which are pretty small, and half the front yard. Plus the price, though that's not too much. But I'll have to look into it.

Or maybe I could even just add a hot wire or something
you could even run the invisible fence on the outside of the physical fence, making the edge of boundary the actual fenceline. There is a beep warning at the boundary on most systems, giving the dog a warning that he needs to back up. Dogs will stop when they hear the beep, so you would have to get his ball, just as you would if it bounced outside the fence.
you could even run the invisible fence on the outside of the physical fence, making the edge of boundary the actual fenceline. There is a beep warning at the boundary on most systems, giving the dog a warning that he needs to back up. Dogs will stop when they hear the beep, so you would have to get his ball, just as you would if it bounced outside the fence.

That's a good point too, don't know why I didn't think of that hahah and yeah, that makes sense :)

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