dog killed 15 hens and one is left with dog 2 dog bites. I have baytril. but not sure what to use.

She is doing much better. And trying to stand. Tomorrow is 2 weeks. I keep seeing improvement so it's hard to think about doing anything excepting trying to nurse her back to health. My own dog injured her. :(
I think you have done an amazing job with your hen. She's lucky to have you!

We kind of want a bigger dog (for our protection, we live in a bit of a dicey neighborhood), but I am afraid of this kind of thing happening. Our Corgi isn't too much of a threat to the random bad guy, but she is VERY respectful of the chickens.
Lucky that your dog loves your hens. This hen is very flighty. And I opened the run to clean up and she flew out into the jaws of my lab. I know my lab was only doing what dogs do... But I was sick to death that it happened. I am doing everything I can to nurse her back to health. :)
How deep for the water therapy? What will she do in the water? Just lift her legs? How wet can chickens get? Can you tell I am new chicken momma?
Good questions.
Water depth ? Ulp to mid crop. I would use the sink and fill it up so the water is at mid crop.
Support her with your right hand, by putting your hand between her legs from the rear and holding her body. Your left hand can be on top of her back to steady her also. Lift her up with your right hand about three inches and her legs will hopefully move. Altho, some just let their legs hang.
In that case I would use two hands and hold her on her sides with hands on the wings so they can't flap. Lift her up and down, forward and backward and see if she will stand..

What will she do in the water? Hopefully, try and walk. If not just move her legs by pushing them against the water. If she starts yelling that sounds like pain, be sure to quit that. Flap, try and get away. But they are easily controlled. Don't let go of her at all. She may injure herself if she gets loose from you. And you sure don't want that !

Just lift her legs? Up and down and forward and backward. See if she can stand a little in the water. Massage her legs in the water. And her toes.

How wet can chickens get? I know they don't like it. I talk alot while bathing Whispers. Whispers is an Australorpe medium size. She did settle down. She was completely wet EXCEPT around her nostrils, head and beak. (The birds outside like the robins, grackles like to take water baths. I have watched the girls near the water pools and they do not venture in like the wild birds do).
I toweled dried and I did use a blow dryer on low. She did fine.

Can you tell I am new chicken momma? Well I would say that new chicken momma's are THE best momma's.
And believe me I loved being a new chicken momma when I got my first baby girls. I was thrilled.

The sling looks just great.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I am so distraught about this happening to her. I am trying everything I can. I guess this water therapy is next. Her neck feathers are at least healing. That was the only place of visible trauma. So this water therapy so be okay. The sling is working. She has gotten out of it once today so I will probably take her out at night. I do not want her hanging from her legs being tangled in the sling. The sling is supposed to be supporting her some but not completely. Correct? I am moving her legs now a few times each time I check on her. Thanks again for helping me. Whispers' momma is an awesome chicken momma. :D
Lucky that your dog loves your hens. This hen is very flighty. And I opened the run to clean up and she flew out into the jaws of my lab. I know my lab was only doing what dogs do... But I was sick to death that it happened. I am doing everything I can to nurse her back to health.

You really are doing so much for her! I would be sick to death about it, too, but what could you have done differently? Sometimes stuff just happens.

My dog doesn't love the chickens, but she has learned to respect them. She wanted to chase the little babies at first, but our little bantam came right at her and she now cuts them a wide berth. :)
I have a question about my hen that is in physical rehab! Lol. She is doing alright In regards to eating, drinking and pooping. Her feathers are shiny and she is preening. She does not look haggard in any way. Although her waddle and comb are pale. She is young. About 13-14 weeks maybe. Her comb ad waddle were not colored up before this dreaded dog incident but I was wondering if I should be concerned. And if it is a concern, what can I do to insure she is doing well?
Go to this page, I typed in combs and wattles in the search box. and the first

one that came up was this one

Also, I would take a close up picture of her and comb and post it to Emergencies/Diseases /Injuries and Cures, they know a lot.

The thing I watch for is the pale color. It is hot here so sometimes I bring them in. Because they are panting and pale.

There may be something going on with your recuperating girl, circulation, heart, etc. since she is already inside, it is not the heat.
Keep updating.

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