Dog killed my chickens


Mar 15, 2021
Hi everyone, a few days ago a neighbors dog killed all but one of my chickens, I’m so sad. So I’ll have to get new chicks, after they get all their full feathers can I just put them out with my 1 year old chicken? Can I mix breeds?
Hi everyone, a few days ago a neighbors dog killed all but one of my chickens, I’m so sad. So I’ll have to get new chicks, after they get all their full feathers can I just put them out with my 1 year old chicken? Can I mix breeds?
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Yes, you can mix breeds, but if you bred them, they wouldn't be purebreds. You might want to have your new birds integrated instead of just putting them out there. I usually have my new birds in an enclosure where both them and the original hens can see each other (but not touch each other).
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Yes, you can mix breeds, but if you bred them, they wouldn't be purebreds. You might want to have your new birds integrated instead of just putting them out there. I usually have my new birds in an enclosure where both them and the original hens can see each other (but not touch each other).
Thank you!
Hi everyone, a few days ago a neighbors dog killed all but one of my chickens, I’m so sad. So I’ll have to get new chicks, after they get all their full feathers can I just put them out with my 1 year old chicken? Can I mix breeds?
We have over 100 dollars worth of birds in just our small silky flock, nevermind my main flock. It would tick me off if this happened to me, so there's no doubt that I suggest you talk to your neighbors about replacing them. As for putting your younger with your survivor, integration through see but no touch would be the safest way to go.
So sorry about your birds!

Don’t be afraid to ask for the real replacement cost of your birds. If they are pure bred, look for what a point of lay pullet would be and adjust up or down accordingly. My neighbors dogs killed a couple of our chickens 2 weeks ago and I asked for $100. My chickens were a point of lay Jersey Giant and an experienced broody Buff Orpington (that I expected to raise chicks this year) both were vaccinated for Mareks and the whole flock was NPIP tested back in September, so in this area they are practically irreplaceable.
Hi. I feel your pain. Today all but one of my 10 chickens were killed. We believe by a dog. I got new chicks today although I can't ever replace my babies. We had bonded. I'm wondering what to do with my one 13 week old chick (if she lives. She is injured and in shock. ).
Hi everyone, a few days ago a neighbors dog killed all but one of my chickens, I’m so sad. So I’ll have to get new chicks, after they get all their full feathers can I just put them out with my 1 year old chicken? Can I mix breeds?
Sorry for your loss but this cant be cured, i have heard once a dog tadtes chicken blood it goes back for more stay safe

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