Dog running loose and killed all our chickens, animal control won't call back, what do I do?

I may currently reside in Florida, but I am a Texan. In Texas, you have the right to defend yourself, your family, your LIVESTOCK, and your property. Most municipal police departments don't know state law very well, call the county sheriff's department. Where I lived , there was no "animal control," it was handled by the county SPCA, see if that is the case in Austin. I would, naturally, harden your defenses, but also invest in a hunting crossbow or longbow. In a city environment, firing off a gun would be irresponsible, dangerous, and more than likely, illegal. A crossbow bolt , or an arrow , lose energy/ momentum quickly. Turn the mutt into an archery butt. MiF
I would have never thought of a cross bow. Are they easy to learn how to use? How similar are they to firing a rifle? Any tips or tricks a new cross bow owner should know?


My advice to OP is simple. Buy or rent a live animal trap and bait it. Catch the dog and simply, quietly take it to the pound.

Or, if you want to ensure the dog never goes near your home again, buy or rent a live animal trap and bait it. Catch the dog, make sure he gets a good look at you and a good smell of you, so your firmly in his mind. Then with the dog still in the cage, mace the hell out of him. Then release. Most dogs will avoid your place after that.

Also buy and install a solar electric fence. Mine cost $99 at tractor supply for the solar controller and maybe $50 for the posts, grounds, and wire. Simple to install, anyone can do it. The hardest part is hammering the 8 foot ground rods all the way into the ground.

I wouldn't condone abusing the dog with mace... he's just being a dog. Either kill him out right, or catch him and take him to a pound out of your city (make it hard for her to find it).

I would also tell her to pay you in cash (I doubt the check is any good anyway) or you'll take her to civil court for property damage (chickens are property are they not?) She's young, maybe the threat of a lawsuit where she may have to pay you more than what you're asking for...will encourage her to own up to her responsibilities and make good.
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If she does not make good on said check you can threaten and actually turn her in, I think, to a collections agent, you'll lose some but she'll also take a hit to a her credit. I would add electric fencing to the top of your fencing. If your fence is not 6 feet add it to where it stands proud to the top of the fence 3 to 5 inches higher than your fence, you'll spent less than 100 $ depending on the size of your back yard and the cost of a charger. My charger was about 29.99 at TSC for our 2 acres, plus you need wire or tape and insulators, wood or t-post type. I have next door's dogs in and out of the pasture that my donkey's dealing with, and I worry about a hawk attacks. So, until we build a box (6 sided) run, for the moment they haven't left their enclosure :(.
Small claims court is your best option. You have a check written by her which shows intent to pay for her dog' s actions. No judge would side with the owner. If animal control won't return phone calls, go down there and make a formal complaint with all of your evidence.

I'm all about defending your livestock but it is not the dog's fault, shoot the owner lol. Seriously, I had issues with a neighbor dog coming up to my dogs kennels (american pit bull terriers) and making them go nuts, it would also try to get my rabbits through the bottom of the cages. I spoke to the owners several times and nothing happened. I was not going to shoot the dog for the owner's irresponsibility so I got a paintball gun. It hurts the dog but is not deadly and it also shows the owner that its dog would be dead if it was a real gun. Several shots later, the dog never came back.

You don't want to get ticketed/arrested for discharging a weapon (usually anything with a projectile) if you are within city limits.
Here is what I don't understand.

OP implied that he is living in a place with a homeowners association. Those places are worse than the Nazis. Ive seen stories about people being fined for flag poles, old women getting thrown out of their own homes because the HOA stole the house through fines. Why doesn't OP sick the Nazis after the dog owner.

Keep calling animal control for the dog. As far as compensation, go to your local courthouse and file a claim. Document everything that happened and take it with you. You do not need a lawyer to represent you for this. Just have all your facts together.

Keep bugging animal control, that is their job and they should also be there to represent you in court. Get statements from others that have had problems with the dog also.

Good luck!
yes, small claims court on this unless your flock not legal. that unsigned check is powerful evidence. catch / kill dog at your earliest convenience when it comes to your place again if no payment. if dog owner not forth coming with payment then have no concern about discussing end of dog. do not talk or brag about what you do in respect to dog.
If the dog runs loose all the time, trap it and take it to the pound and turn it in. She will have to pay to get it back. That is the only way to get through to some people. If the dog comes back, trap it again and take it to the shelter again.

Did you try cashing that check? Banks have cashed unsigned checks before. If the bank won't cash it, take her to small claims court and ask for additional damages, so that it would have been cheaper for her to just make the check good in the first place. She owes you for repairs to teh run as well as all teh chickens. So if you have to take her to small claims court, add the cost of a roll of good wire.
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First of all, I'm really sorry to hear of your loss. I've had multiple dog attacks on my birds (always the same dogs.) Fortunately, my local (small town) cops took the law seriously and, after this last event, the dogs are GONE (halleluian!!)

If you are getting no response from Animal Control, find out who they answer to (local cops, whoever..) If you get no response from the local police (whose JOB IT IS to enforce the law... and the TExas dog laws regarding roaming at large and killing livestock are VERY specific) I would call the state police. These dog owners have BROKEN THE LAW repeatedly, and you should not have to chase down law enforcement over this! I totally hear your frustration...

If AC or law enforcement pursues this, the owners will have to pay a fine (at least.) If you want compensation that will probably entail small-claims court.

Again... so SÖRRY about your flock. I know how devastating this is.

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