Dog running loose and killed all our chickens, animal control won't call back, what do I do?

Oh, and hang onto that check! In my last event with the brainless dog-owning neighbor, she left a note on my door offering compensation. It was written on the back of a personal check. ( I didn't want compensation at that point; I just wanted the dogs gone.)
The cops thought that the check was priceless evidence.... admission of guilt that could not have been forged.

Good luck...
So sorry for your loss, I know how you feel I lost 4 of my 5 girls to a dog attack very similar situation not too long ago. Dog jumped our fence, tore open the run and got the girls just as my husband was coming home. I just pulled up too with the kids and heard hubby yelling I knew something was wrong, opened the back gate and found the situation, dog ran out but I knew who's dog it was. We did get some compensation but not what the owners promised, I called 911 and they sent animal control immediatly. We live in the city as well. Animal control told us we could have shot the dog, it is legal since our chickens were being attacked and if the dog comes back to shoot it, because there isn't much they can do but try to work with the dog owners. I live in VA and our city code states dog owners are required to pay $10 per bird not much especially if they are your pets!! Code also states that if it happens 3 times dog can be relocated out of state to another state that does not border VA or can be killed. We were told we could press charges in civil court if we wanted to! KEEP calling animal control and see if you can find anything in your city code. Tell her you are going to take her to court, that is crazy that she didn't sign the check, I would take it back to her and ask her to sign it. If that dog came anywhere near my yard it is gone!! Does your sity have a leash law? If so EVERYTIME you saw that dog loose call 911, it is a danger to your animals plus kids (maybe not but if you keep pesting them they have to follow the law) I wish you all the luck
So sorry for your loss, I know how you feel I lost 4 of my 5 girls to a dog attack very similar situation not too long ago. Dog jumped our fence, tore open the run and got the girls just as my husband was coming home. I just pulled up too with the kids and heard hubby yelling I knew something was wrong, opened the back gate and found the situation, dog ran out but I knew who's dog it was. We did get some compensation but not what the owners promised, I called 911 and they sent animal control immediately. We live in the city as well. Animal control told us we could have shot the dog, it is legal since our chickens were being attacked and if the dog comes back to shoot it, because there isn't much they can do but try to work with the dog owners. I live in VA and our city code states dog owners are required to pay $10 per bird not much especially if they are your pets!! Code also states that if it happens 3 times dog can be relocated out of state to another state that does not border VA or can be killed. We were told we could press charges in civil court if we wanted to! KEEP calling animal control and see if you can find anything in your city code. Tell her you are going to take her to court, that is crazy that she didn't sign the check, I would take it back to her and ask her to sign it. If that dog came anywhere near my yard it is gone!! Does your city have a leash law? If so EVERY TIME you saw that dog loose call 911, it is a danger to your animals plus kids (maybe not but if you keep pesting them they have to follow the law) I wish you all the luck

If the dog is loose all the time, its only a matter of time before the dog attacks a kid. Every time you call animal control or the police department, mention the toddlers in the neighborhood. Change their perspective and you will change their response. Tell the police there is a guy walking around your neighborhood, and they will ignore you. Tell the police there is a guy walking around your neighborhood and he seems very interested in the neighborhood kids, and you will see several cop cars quick.

Lets all face it, no one cares about chickens. Change the threat that the dog poses and you have a better chance of fixing the situation.

Dear all, Thank you for all your messages. It is very comforting and helpful.

I spend all day (week) to look into the matter. Austin has its own city ordinance that supersedes the state law. For those who may live in Austin, here is what I learned that you could do:

1. Animal Control shall investigate the case and evaluate if the dog is "Vicious". (They finally called today, after I called again.) Attacking people is considered "Dangerous", attacking other animals is considered "Vicious". A case will be established and both parties will be summoned to appear in court. Animal control will determine if they owner should be fined. A "vicious" dog, once established, shall be registered, and may be asked to be removed from Austin. (Dogs will not be automatically put down).

2. You may file a case agains the dog owner at the Austin Municipal Court for violation of city codes. I really am glad that I found this information, since the owner's neglect and dishonesty caused all this to happen and she should be held responsible. There will be a fine for the violation with no jail time involved.

3. File a civil case in small claims court for property compensation. I certainly am taking the owner to court with the unsigned check evidence.

I am not giving up until this whole thing is resolved for the justice of my chicken's lives, and for the safety of our neighborhood cats (we have 2) and other small animals, and even people, and, the dog itself.
I would have never thought of a cross bow. Are they easy to learn how to use? How similar are they to firing a rifle? Any tips or tricks a new cross bow owner should know?



They are quite easy to operate. Really the only similarity they have to a rifle is the stock layout,a trigger mechanism, and a safety, other than that it is all archery. Very effective on racoons as well! MiF
Small claims court is your best option. You have a check written by her which shows intent to pay for her dog' s actions. No judge would side with the owner. If animal control won't return phone calls, go down there and make a formal complaint with all of your evidence.

I'm all about defending your livestock but it is not the dog's fault, shoot the owner lol. Seriously, I had issues with a neighbor dog coming up to my dogs kennels (american pit bull terriers) and making them go nuts, it would also try to get my rabbits through the bottom of the cages. I spoke to the owners several times and nothing happened. I was not going to shoot the dog for the owner's irresponsibility so I got a paintball gun. It hurts the dog but is not deadly and it also shows the owner that its dog would be dead if it was a real gun. Several shots later, the dog never came back.

You don't want to get ticketed/arrested for discharging a weapon (usually anything with a projectile) if you are within city limits.

This. This is the sort of issue that small claims court is for. Document everything. Write down your conversion you had with the owner of the dog and include dates and times of everything relevant. Bring the check as evidence. Take pictures of the coop and where this happened. Bring a copy of a police report if you have one. Just come prepared and you will most likely be compensated for your loss. I wouldn't ask for a crazy amount of money. Just set your compensation to cover what you will need to be back to before the dog attack.

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