Dog tore his dewclaw it’s bleeding

Will he try to bite, growl, etc when you get close to it?
That needs to be cleaned or things will only get worse. How big is he? Are there others to help hold him down? Treats may be helpful.

Of course, don't get into a wrestling match with a big dog, but if you can manage a way to get to it without being bitten, do that.
Okay, if he's not letting you touch it, there's nothing you can do without potentially getting bit. You'll have to leave it be and either convince the adults to help clean it up or take him to the vet.
Oh! Do you have peanut butter? Take a narrow jar, and place a large spot full at the bottom. Dogs go nuts for that stuff, and it may be a good distraction while trying to help him. Especially at the bottom of the jar, that will take him longer to eat it.
Be careful with peanut butter! It used to be a safe dog treat, but now some companies are using a sweetener instead of sugar in it that is very toxic to dogs. This started happening just recently. If it's only peanuts and oil, you're safe.
If you can just get a distraction, and slowly, gently clean up his foot while another person holds his head and a collar to keep him away from it, he may just realize your trying to help, and eat peanut butter while you work on him.
Be careful with peanut butter! It used to be a safe dog treat, but now some companies are using a sweetener instead of sugar in it that is very toxic to dogs. This started happening just recently. If it's only peanuts and oil, you're safe.
Thank you! We always buy Organic/All natural peanut butter without added sugar, so this didn't even cross my mind.
Do you know how to use a leash to muzzle a dog?
Just looked it up, thats a great idea!


These may give you an idea on how it works.
Is it broken in the nail or in the actual toe?

If it's the nail: I have a dog that routinely cracks his dewclaw nail and after watching the vet treat it, I just do it at home now. Muzzle the dog, have someone help hold him, then get your dog nail trimmer and cut it very quickly below the crack. It WILL hurt a lot but afterwards he'll feel a lot better. Use styptic or cornstarch to clot the bleeding (may take around 5 min), and then I usually vetwrap it and pull a clean sock over it to keep him from licking it for about a day.

If it's the toe you'd need to go to the vet.

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