Dogs are the worst predator, I swear Amazing update!

I need hugs. :hit Two neighbor dogs killed my two roosters, the best roosters I've ever had. They were both perfectly behaved and the hens adored both.

The chickens were scratching around in the snow, something they usually refuse to do, and these two dogs swooped in on the chickens. The boys apparently did a good job of decoying the dogs so the hens were all spared, although it took me an hour to locate one hen who was hiding motionless in plain sight.

I don't hate all dogs, but I sure have no use for irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs run wild all over the mountain.
I will cry with you @azygous!
I am so very very sorry for your loss, friend.
@HuffleClaw I'm so sorry about your precious little Jake. We grieve together.

And thank you all for the hugs and emotional support. I needed you guys right now.

The dog owners did agree to pay for the roosters. They happen to be Crested Cream Legbars, so they aren't getting off cheaply.

The thing that gets me is where I live we all have a huge buffer around our dwellings of at least 35 acres and these dogs came across a wide canyon, traversing at least 100 acres to get to my chickens, and killed my roosters right outside their run. Some things in life just make no sense. And adjacent to my acreage are two good neighbors with numerous dogs that are never allowed to run wild, mainly because they love their dogs and would rather they not get eaten by a lion or torn apart by a bear.

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