Doomsday - I wanna see your makeshift stuff!

Do you consider yourself to be self-sufficient?

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5 Years
Sep 19, 2014
Central West Virginia
Many people have beautiful, store bought or hand-built coops that are painted, with flowers all around them, and look like a pretty little addition to their garden. However, I want to see something a bit different. I want to see some makeshift, yet efficient housing for chickens! Those of you who have turned sheds and scrap into chicken coops, pretty or not so pretty, that can keep your chickens safe while being as resourceful as possible. I would also love to see anything else you have made for your chickens out of something different (ie DIY feeders, waterers, perches, anything). Also, your quick fixes and jerryrigs to existing chicken-related structures!

The purpose of this is not moot; I am writing an article for my blog about "zombie apocalypse chicken raising." Obviously this isn't a very serious article, but there is a point to it! When the CDC released their "zombie preparedness guide," more people began taking measures to be prepared in the event of an emergency. I am trying to do something similar with chickens and self-sufficiency! I figured it would be a fun way to attract people to the hobby!

The situation is, The zombie virus is upon us, and it is up to you to create a prosperous homestead with other survivors, using a few backyard chickens and some scrap to build with. In this situation, there would be no hardware or feed stores, so you must be resourceful and use what you can scrap from existing buildings. You must protect them from predators, find ways to feed them, and allow them to reproduce at a rate which is necessary to support the needs of the colony.

I would also LOVE to see what breeds and feeding methods you have used for self-sufficiency, if you would like to add quotes or pictures! To me, nothing is more valuable than the knowledge and opinions of my fellow BYC members. I've learned way more about chickens on this site than I ever did in ag class!
If you wouldn't mind me using your pictures or quote in my article, please tell me in your post! I won't use anything unless you say I can, and I will credit you by username (unless you request not to)!
I could go on the DIY thread, but I really want us to have some fun with the zombie/doomsday theme!
Thanks, and have fun with this!!

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