Dough Hill Farms

Are those Lavenders in the first photo?
Sapphire Gems according to Rual king at the time but I questioned that myself when they got older in this pic
They really are pretty, no matter the breed. :)
Thanks I still have that Leghorn Rooster he 3 years old now took this in February when the dogs attack I just moved him and the Brown Sex Link the day before because some one came in the feedstore and gave me a young Rooster so I had to move them around or the Brown Sex Link probably would have got killed.
They look like sapphire gems to me. But what would I know? I only have 1 of them and from TSC. :) Pretty birds. Love the white rooster.
Thanks I’m kinda parcel to him even though I don’t like Leghorns. I’m pretty sure your right about the Sapphire Gems I’ve never had them before and I must say there the best I’ve had.
Thanks I still have that Leghorn Rooster he 3 years old now took this in February when the dogs attack I just moved him and the Brown Sex Link the day before because some one came in the feedstore and gave me a young Rooster so I had to move them around or the Brown Sex Link probably would have got killed. View attachment 3492083View attachment 3492084
Good morning!

He's a handsome guy! 😍 I am not really fond of Leghorns either, when I was a child I was chased daily by a Leghorn rooster while trying to collect eggs from the nest boxes. :lol: So I suppose it left a sour taste in my mouth for them. I am sure they are a great breed however.
Good morning!

He's a handsome guy! 😍 I am not really fond of Leghorns either, when I was a child I was chased daily by a Leghorn rooster while trying to collect eggs from the nest boxes. :lol: So I suppose it left a sour taste in my mouth for them. I am sure they are a great breed however.
Good Morning.

Thanks I named him Kellogg after the Corn Flakes box he’s pretty tame I try to teach my Roos at a very early age who’s the Real Boss of the coop and so far it works but I don’t harm them it just took me one time of being attack by one and it was a Leghorn after that I decided I had to do something. When I open the Coop door all of the chickens run out but Sweety she stays and waits for a treat.
Good Morning.

Thanks I named him Kellogg after the Corn Flakes box he’s pretty tame I try to teach my Roos at a very early age who’s the Real Boss of the coop and so far it works but I don’t harm them it just took me one time of being attack by one and it was a Leghorn after that I decided I had to do something. When I open the Coop door all of the chickens run out but Sweety she stays and waits for a treat.
Yes you definitely need keep a higher position over the Roosters. They are always looking to climb the pecking order ladder. Some boys can be pretty sweet though.
I’ve never had a Sweet one just always well behaved and takes care of there hen by protecting them.
Well behaved is the perfect rooster! I once had a really mean boy, attacked me and was rough on the hens when he was young. I kept him away from the girls until he was about 4 when he seemed to calm down. He was a bit better with me at this age but it wasn't until he was 7 years old did he start to respect me. He got really sweet in his old age. I was glad I didn't rehome or put him down, I miss the crazy boy.

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