Drake only "servicing" one female?


The necklace of peas would work here!

But drakes being drakes, when only one hens is available.....unless they are really particular!
My runner drake did the same thing. He almost mated my hen to death. They've been seperated for about a week and still wont touch my other 4 hens. He's tried to mate with my arm and will do anything he can to get near "his" hen. He sure is stuborn.

Well... Here's an update. I seperated them. He was frantic with worry. Then he went back to the pool where the other female was, and proceeded to try and "woo" her. She wouldn't give him the time of day. If she could talk she would say, "Oh, so I'm good enough for ya now huh?"

I kept her in a seperate pen for like 4 or 5 hours and watched the other two. The spent the day hangin' out like good friends would.
Stupid Drake! And if I get another male they will just fight and it will be a pain trying to keep them apart.

What about a couple more females? Maybe it's the trio thing that's throwin' him off.

Probably will have to just get another stinkin' male.
I forgot to say that my rouen drake only services two of my three hens. He breeds his first mate (a rouen) and then he breeds another hen which is a khaki. He leaves my crested khaki alone, I dont know why. I just put three eggs under a broody. Im hopeing he really is breeding her and I just didnt see, I hope the crested hens egg isnt a dud.
I have one hussy duck whos squatting and everything, with still 3 months until she lays. The boys are just as young and she'll walk up to one of them and start bobbing her head and talking, squatting down, changing how she's quacking. The boys? Walk up, stare at her, whisper a little, peck her on the back, and walk off. So far they haven't the slightest idea of what she's doing that for.
I've got a trio of appleyards, the two hens are following the drake around and ducking and bobbing in ernest... and usually in nice synchronized motion. the drake? he just waddles on... does not seem to be taking an interest at all. <sigh> they keep following him around though.
we've got a bunch of other ducks, he's not intersted in them either.
he's young, so maybe he'll get it eventually. so far, no sign of that happening though.
You guys are funny! Today as the drama unfolds on "Ducks of our Lives" female #1 (Bella) was confined to her pen while the drake (Edward) and Female #2 (Rosalee) were released on their own. They were not to concerned with Bella being locked up, but poor Bella was beside herself. After about 5 minutes I had to release her. Who am I to deny true love? Edward and Bella were made for each other. I must just deal with the fact that Rosalee is second choice.

But the true test will be this. 2 days ago there were 2 eggs in the nest. One blue and one white. That means that both ducks layed. (I suspect Rosalee has been laying every other day.) I took both those eggs and put them in the bator. Now I will KNOW FOR SURE if Rosalee is getting action or not. Because I'm POSITIVE that each duck layed one egg that day.

I cannot wait to candle! But it's only been like 12 hours. (And of course I'm going out of town this weekend so... I won't know til Sunday.) I can't wait to see if both eggs are good which would mean Rosalee is gettin' some action when I'm not looking.

And this concludes another episode of... "Ducks of our Lives".

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