crazily enough, in AZ you can keep them as pets! You have to have special permitting to do it but they're not illegal to own as long as you get the permit.

She wants a wombat too, but I'm pretty sure those are not allowed.
So when is the zoo opening for business? :)
I'd like to keep a horse. I could ride it around town for errands and such. No gasoline or electricity used, and free fertilizer for my veggie garden.
I grew up in this neighborhood. It was way different then. 2 old ladies owned an empty lot next to their home and kept a horse there for at least a decade. It was across the street from our neighborhood elementary school. :love
Of course goats and sheep would be good too.
That sounds amazing!! :love
I want a water buffalo..... if anyone has a spare?
I’ve got water buffalo parts if that counts… :lau :oops:
So when is the zoo opening for business? :)
Ohhh interesting!! What else can you keep? Lions? Tigers? Bears? Wolves?
I personally know of tigers, camels, zebra, and ostriches. Wolves are federally protected so not them. No idea about bears. Strangely enouhg, hedgehogs were illegal until about 2015 but you could keep pet rhesus monkeys with no permits. They swapped those and hedgies are now legal. That was when I got Sir Winston Pricklebottom.

I personally know of tigers, camels, zebra, and ostriches. Wolves are federally protected so not them. No idea about bears. Strangely enouhg, hedgehogs were illegal until about 2015 but you could keep pet rhesus monkeys with no permits. They swapped those and hedgies are now legal. That was when I got Sir Winston Pricklebottom.

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Wow that is so weird what is allowed and not allowed! I love hedgehogs!!!
I think Florida has a lot more relaxed rules on what's considered a pet than probably any other state.
Yeah they definitely do! Or that least they did. I think they’ve been cracking down on a lot of different species now. Like you can’t have big cats anymore. There used to be tons of people with them.
I personally know of tigers, camels, zebra, and ostriches. Wolves are federally protected so not them. No idea about bears. Strangely enouhg, hedgehogs were illegal until about 2015 but you could keep pet rhesus monkeys with no permits. They swapped those and hedgies are now legal. That was when I got Sir Winston Pricklebottom.

View attachment 3275120
He's adorable! I've toyed with the idea of a getting one over the years. Maybe one day

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