D'uccle Thread

GC...I officially have 5 on lockdown. Really 4 that looked promising, I just couldn't give up on the 5th, even though it doesn't look great. Worth a shot!

WGC....I forgot to respond to your question about the D's at the show. There were a couple of Millies in Jr and I think a pair of porcelain and a mottled that belong to a very young man from Ringold. A pair of porcelain that took BV. They belong to a woman in North GA who I believe got millie eggs from you. Don't think she showed the millies. There was also a white pair and a mottled hen. I have been on the look out for foot feathering..after reading all these posts.
The porcelains had their foot feathers chopped off with scissors and some of the others has skimpy middle toe feathering. JMHO, but what do I know!
Thanks for the update hun, I feel terrible about the whole darn deal. I've got bators stuffed with promising eggs to about to hatch, and I really do believe the postal service had issues because it was during the storms and White Out we had. Today I find out another BYC'r is having the same issue. Eggs mailed outta my area several days ago, no update, no nothing where they are?

On an UP note...Sounds like a decent turn out and variety on the show. Wish it was warmer weather and my guys were seasond-ready to go. They are just recovering decently from free ranging all summer. Did you have a fav out of any of them?
Thanks for the update hun, I feel terrible about the whole darn deal. I've got bators stuffed with promising eggs to about to hatch, and I really do believe the postal service had issues because it was during the storms and White Out we had. Today I find out another BYC'r is having the same issue. Eggs mailed outta my area several days ago, no update, no nothing where they are?

On an UP note...Sounds like a decent turn out and variety on the show. Wish it was warmer weather and my guys were seasond-ready to go. They are just recovering decently from free ranging all summer. Did you have a fav out of any of them?

Hey Misty...I didn't really have a favorite at the show. MHO, I didn't think any of them looked that great.

Now for some hopeful news....I saw one of my eggs moving this am!
Trying to be patient. Raining here again and cold so I gues no outdoor chores for me. I'll just sit and wait.

Please know that I do not think you are in any way responsible for the outcome of this hatch! Your eggs were perfectly packed and fertile. Obviously the result of the rough handling of the PO combined with the overdue delivery and freezing temps...
I really wish that it would quit snowing and the hens would start laying.
I really want to see the black D's from the lemon X Mille so then I can progress hopefully in the fall with F2 from the lemon boy and get some more lemon from him.
It is getting really monotonas to carry watterers out in the morning and back in at night so they can thaw over night.
Doug, I don't know how you do it! Bless you for working so hard to take such good care of your birds. I don't think I would last a day. 30 degrees and raining in Atlanta and I'm complaining.
We have 5 beautiful millie pullets from champion blood lines and now need an equally nice roo. Anyone have one for sale, trade or rent? The three guys we have are from hatchery stock and are great pets, but not something to get serious about.
Hi Grace, Nice to see-hear from you. Yes, I'm trying hard to produce the lemons and silvers so us USA peeps can have more variety to work with. How are things down your way? Cold???


That is such a pretty color! But I just assumed it was only in other countries (I think the one I saw pictures of was from the UK).
Yes, things are pretty cold down here! Well.....it's getting better now! But for a week solid we had snow (several snows), ice, and well-below freezing temps! I like the milder winter weather that my birds and I are used to!
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The Show baby:


MY GC chicks, with a little more age on them. The midget is getting some darker color now. And it's amazing the difference a day makes (or color makes) on feather growth. The golden chicks are way more advanced than the potential silver babes.

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