Interesting. I never did that with my girls and they're super healthy egg laying machines. Though 2 are broody right now (and we have no boys), hahaha.
I'd switch to a Grower finisher feed at 16% protein and provide Grit. Ducklings at that age usually do become scared of people for a few weeks and then calm down again. I think your Duck would love to have a Duck friend.
Agreed on feed and friend! Most backyard birds WILL eat anything but feeds for different fowl are developed for what is best for their breed. Parakeet feed is not developed with outdoor water fowl nutrition and digestion in mind. Does your girl have access to fresh grasses and such? Do you feed any grit or does she gobble mud like mine? Lol
I am worried about the seed your feeding maybe cut it out and see if that helps with constipation. Lots of fresh water always. What are you feeding that has 25% protein? If you still have a lot of it cut it down with another feed mix in other words All flock is a good one because it has all the niacin our waterfowl need. Does she get to go outside for exercise? Another way to keep everything moving.
That's good that it's not a regular occurrence -- I misread that and thought the constipation was a frequent. I'd wonder if the seeds may be binding her up?

Why do you want to cut the protein? I haven't heard of that. I've only had ducks for just over a year though and am no expert.
Ducks can get angel wing if they grow to fast most starter grower is high in protein I mixed with oats to cut that. Mine are 9 weeks and I have them on 16 grams. No problems.
Shes fine now. I woke up, she pooped up a storm and is all lovely again. I feel like a lot of people automatically assume I dont know anything at all, which kinda sucks.

She doesnt eat mainly seeds, as I said parakeet feed is used to cut her growers feed so shes getting proper supplements, it's like cutting with oats. The seeds are incredibly small, same size as the duck feed. She eats fresh greens I chop, and grass from outside daily. Im working on making arrangements for a flock so she can be happy, I just have to reinforce a coop.
Shes fine now. I woke up, she pooped up a storm and is all lovely again. I feel like a lot of people automatically assume I dont know anything at all, which kinda sucks.

She doesnt eat mainly seeds, as I said parakeet feed is used to cut her growers feed so shes getting proper supplements, it's like cutting with oats. The seeds are incredibly small, same size as the duck feed. She eats fresh greens I chop, and grass from outside daily. Im working on making arrangements for a flock so she can be happy, I just have to reinforce a coop.
Don't take offense. I doubt anyone is judging you! It can feel that way when you ask questions or look for in text you can't put emotion or intent across very easily lol.

It is likely to feel that way when trying to get info. People have to ask questions to get enough infoyto answer you fairly and accurately. Not to come down on you.

Regardless the size or amount of parakeet seed, it is not the best option for our ducks. Oats and other "cutters", used regularly/continually are not probably the best idea. That does not mean they WILL cause issues. That is to say that should issues arise, those are likely to be found as the instigator lol.

I did just as you are doing and cut greens and grass for supplements from nature too! Not only do they love it but it is what their bodies want :)

So glad she pooped! I think it is hilarious to get excited over POOP! I have 4 grown kids and now 12 chickens and 9 ducks so I can still get excited about POOP success! LMAO

It also still leaves me smh that constipation and UTIs can morph humans and animals into totally different individuals!

Anyhow...glad your girl is "back"!
Shes fine now. I woke up, she pooped up a storm and is all lovely again. I feel like a lot of people automatically assume I dont know anything at all, which kinda sucks.

She doesnt eat mainly seeds, as I said parakeet feed is used to cut her growers feed so shes getting proper supplements, it's like cutting with oats. The seeds are incredibly small, same size as the duck feed. She eats fresh greens I chop, and grass from outside daily. Im working on making arrangements for a flock so she can be happy, I just have to reinforce a coop.
So happy to hear she is her self again. Sorry if we made you feel that you don't know anything, we were only trying to help. :hugs

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