Duck advice!!


5 Years
Apr 3, 2017
I was wondering, Are pet ducks tame? Do they let the kids hold them or do they stay away? Also, How often do you have to refill their pool if I got them a small plastic one? How many eggs a week do the white pekin ducks lay?
Any advice would be great!
I was wondering, Are pet ducks tame? Do they let the kids hold them or do they stay away?

It depends on how they are raised, how young the ducklings are when you get them, and how much the ducklings are handled as babies. And of course children, especially very young children, should never be left unsupervised with the fragile ducklings.

Also, How often do you have to refill their pool if I got them a small plastic one?

Depends on how many you have. We dump out and refill two 9-gallon pools every day for our 6 ducks. The small kiddie pool in the garden gets emptied out and refilled every couple days because the ducks don't spend quite as much time in the garden and because the naughty ducks get it filthy in about 15 minutes with all the dirt they carry from the garden beds.

How many eggs a week do the white pekin ducks lay?

If you want good egg layers, there are better breeds for that than Pekins. For example, Welsh Harlequins said to be great layers without being aaa skittish as Khaki Campbells or Indian Runners. My Buffs have been very good layers too and are relatively calm.

Any advice would be great!

I'd recommend getting no fewer than three ducks, and no more than one male if you get three ducks. You never want to have more males than females because the males often gang up on the female and can hurt or kill her. It's always better than have more females than males. The reason why I say to get at least three ducks is because that way, if something were to happen to one of the ducks, the other two still have each other.

Other than that, Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks is an amazing resource.


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