Duck Breed Focus - Crested Ducks


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
With the powder-puff of feathers on its head, the Crested duck is a truly striking bird. It is a medium-weight dual purpose breed of uncertain origins, the most credible possibility is that crested runner ducks (Bali ducks) were brought to The Netherlands on ships and crossed with local ducks. The crest found on these ducks does occur in Mallards and their derivatives from time to time though, as a mutation, so it is possible that they were bred from sports of common ducks. Through selection, crested ducks have been created. Though striking, the mutation causes a lethal allele combination when two crested ducks are mated together, can cause around 25% of the embryos to die in the shell and there are quite frequently other health problems in the surviving young that hatch, such as twisted necks. From the offspring there will be some crest-less ducks too. If a Crested duck is mated to a crest-less duck, some of the offspring will have crests and no lethal allele combination, leading to dead embryos.

The ducklings grow fairly quickly, making them good birds for the table and they are good layers. An adult drake weighs about 7 pounds, and females about 6 pounds. They were admitted to the APA's Standard of Perfection, which recognises two forms, Black and White, and the british Poultry standards in 1910. Other varieties, such as Grey (Mallard coloration), Buff and Blue have been developed by breeders, and crests may appear on others. Crests should be large and sit symmetrically on the center of the head.


Purpose: Exhibition, Utility: meat and eggs.
Eggs: 120 to 200 Eggs.
Origin: Unknown but possibly Asia.
Weight: Drake: 7 lb, Duck: 6 lb.

Pic by @LilDucky85

Pic by @Funky Feathers

Pic by @aduckstolemyheart

Pic by @Funky Feathers

Pic by @Funky Feathers

BYC Breed Reviews:

BYC Breed Discussions:

Do you own Crested Ducks? Are you a Crested Duck breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!
All right, another duck breed focus thread!
And Look @NorthFLChick is making us think Spring with her beautiful avatar.

Crested ducks are so adorable.

Thanks, that was one of the humongous sunflowers I grew last summer. This seems a good time for any kind of sun we can get!

The crested ducks are cute, they look like they are wearing little wigs on their heads. I would think the breeding issues would be a concern though.
Created ducks are considered a separate breed? I thought that the crest gene could appear in any breed, much like the polydactyl mutation can appear in any breed of cat and so on. I was under the impression you could have created Perkins, crested rouens, created Swedish, etc... I must have been mistaken. Good to know.
Created ducks are considered a separate breed? I thought that the crest gene could appear in any breed, much like the polydactyl mutation can appear in any breed of cat and so on. I was under the impression you could have created Perkins, crested rouens, created Swedish, etc... I must have been mistaken. Good to know.
I've seen crested in those breeds too PotatoWaffles. Just about any breed but Muscvoy. I think I saw on a hatchery web site they just offered Crested with no breed name at the end.
Thanks, that was one of the humongous sunflowers I grew last summer. This seems a good time for any kind of sun we can get!

The crested ducks are cute, they look like they are wearing little wigs on their heads. I would think the breeding issues would be a concern though.
There is alot of concern and controversy about Crested and especially breeding 2 crested together. On BYC we have seen heart ache and triumph with this breed.

What a gorgeous Sunflower, Not one I have been able to grow here.
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Created ducks are considered a separate breed? I thought that the crest gene could appear in any breed, much like the polydactyl mutation can appear in any breed of cat and so on. I was under the impression you could have created Perkins, crested rouens, created Swedish, etc... I must have been mistaken. Good to know.

Crested ducks in at least 3 hatchery sites just call them white crested or blk crested. I always associated them with say Pekin or Swedish etc not a breed of it's own but it is.
I have Murray Mcmurray Rouens and Khakis, one pair each and they hatched out a crested In August. I do not know which combo of breed(s) the duckling is. Could be any combo of those 4. The Rouen was the broody who hatched it.

These pictures are of the hatchling after her feathers came in after a few months.

These are of the duckling just days after hatch.

I forgot to add that we incubated and hatched between 15-20 eggs from these same ducks and none of those were crested.
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