Duck breeders in wisconsin

Your anconas have such speckled heads compared to mine. I love how there is so much variation in this breed as far as looks go......I really want your one with most white in the back(working on convincing my boyfriend)
Ya I guess for good standerds u want more white and less color but I like the color!
They are very pretty!
How do your calls do in the winter? This is my first winter with my 2 call girls.

Sorry I had completely forgotten I'd responded to this thread. They do fine so long as they are not in a drafty place. I used to keep mine outside all winter long before we moved and gained a barn. Now I only put them in the barn because we have no natural windbreaks around and all winter long it's very windy and the snow is constantly drifting.
Sorry I had completely forgotten I'd responded to this thread. They do fine so long as they are not in a drafty place. I used to keep mine outside all winter long before we moved and gained a barn. Now I only put them in the barn because we have no natural windbreaks around and all winter long it's very windy and the snow is constantly drifting.
No problem it happens. mine have a big pen to go in.
I have Muscovy's .. They do not shed water as good as other ducks.. SO mine just get a small bucket.. I have a bird bath heater in it to keep it from freezing. I had to take there big tub away due to the fact they would get in there and drench themselves and turn into on big block of ice lol...
Finally a beautiful day ! I got the pool out for the ducks so they could all take a much needed bath. Now back to the VERY cold weather it looks like.

I let my babies swim yesterday too! Took them a while to remember what a pool was, haha! So nice to have them white again instead of that ugly yellow. Not looking forward to the freezing cold, however! Yuck. What breeds do you have again?

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