Duck egg air sac/humidity, am I doing this right??? (pictures attached)

The video taken with the egg laying down, see how fuzzy the shadow looks on the bottom half of the egg? Once they are fully situated, it will look a little more solid... less fuzzy... sorry its hard to describe. I just think that it will push into the fat end a little bit more before it gets fully settled to start hatching.
No internal pips yet :hmm I've checked once - tonight 9pmish - and no progress. The first one to move is over 24hrs of pushing/moving/rocking and nothing .. I just noticed two more rocking so theres things moving around.

Is there a point where I should become concerned? I know theres so many variables but is there such thing as a "normal pushing/trying to break" through air sac time? I'll keep waiting for now :he Is there anything that can be done if she cant internal pip? There is a possibility she has finally broke through, I just don't see a distinct beak or hear anything..

--here she is wiggling around-- holding onto hope she isnt_____ (insert whatever affliction it could be)

No changes as of 11am this morning. Humidity dropped through the night to 50% .. added water and it's climbing. I am trying to stay in the middle to upper 60's. 5pm this evening will be the beginning of day 28 so were not late by any means.. hoping to see serious hatching activity in the next couple days :jumpy took a quick video this morning, the shadow does look less fuzzy and more solid but I don't know if that's an actual pip .. to my inexperienced mama duck eyes it looks like shes actually pushing up with her bill but has not broke into the air sac yet .. please correct me if I am wrong, I want to learn as much as possible .. I really do like the whole process of incubating and hatching, and will be doing it again - I thinks it's an addiction :lau .. I am willing to assist if needs arise but will wait until I know for sure were way late and not making progress. There is a couple eggs in there that I haven't seen any movement but again will wait until a smell or a hatch - the air sacs are drawing down/growing in all but one. I only open bator once in 24hrs while we have no external pips. I have made a way to add water without opening using aquatic tubing and a syringe. ** hatching vibes ** healthy hatching vibes ** c'mon babies **

Would pictures of each egg help in determining where were at in the process? I can take pictures tonight/tomorrow when I check again for internal pip's? One egg looks to have a "void" and I'm fairly certain she's expired .. again I will not remove until I know for sure, there is no smell at this point
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Went in to monitor humidity - steady at 64% for now but noticed a very faint yellow spot developing.. uh oh .. took a quick picture and messed with contrast/ saturation to make it more visible as its hard to see

- I wash hands before candeling but I guess I could have missed something or somehow introduced bacteria?
- is it trying to pip there?
- something else gone wrong?

Hummm??? I have no clue .. egg is still rocking.. the air sac has dipped lower than last line, the spot looks to be right on the edge of air sac

I believe the candling video shows an internal pip. Can’t make it out for sure. Can you hear any chirping or pecking noises? Especially if you tap on the shell?

And the spot...hmm I have seen bruises when one tries to pip and pierces the membrane inside but doesn’t break the shell, and a little moisture seeps between the membranes. Does it look like maybe that has happened? Keep an eye on it and see if the “stain” grows any.
I didn't have her/them out long enough to notice any noises but will try to listen next time. I will try to tap and talk to get a response so we can know for sure.

Will keep an eye on the spot for changes

Still see eggs rocking so there's hope

Holy ___ I can hear peeping and tapping :celebrate:celebrate

I tried to listen last night before bed and *think* I heard tapping but I'm not positive .. I even took my earrings out, set egg on carton so she couldn't roll and laid down next to it with my ear close .. maybe tapping but it wasn't like it was just now and definatly no peeping .. not like today, today its clear theres a peeping baby in there:hit

another egg I thought was dead actually rocked today slightly .. one I wasnt sure about rocked a bit too. so we've got some movers, another egg I can see shadows in air cell but no internal pip.. oh and another one is very "watery" inside so I took it out ( I assume watery is not good, correct me if I am wrong) I would like to check on more time if I get the chance before an external pip- it can take a while between internal - external - zip- hatch correct? Like hours? I've got some errands to run, will be double checking what I have for hatch/brooder before I leave incase I need something else .. I've got - brooder box, heat lamp, small bowls for food/water, rubber shelf liner, old towels, tweezers, coconut oil, flashlight, nutridrench, q-tips, paper towels .... anything else I should have in my "first aid/assit" kit? I will be running by the farm store so if you think of something that is your must have hatching stuff let me know :wee:wee:wee:wee:wee:wee

time to hurry up and wait .. I am so excited! Our only hatching experience is when mama duck did it .. and I wasnt really keeping track of anything so was pleasantly surprised to find two little babies in her nest even though she had many more eggs. If I had known then what I know now I would have checked the other eggs incase she had more babies in there.. oops..


Temp 99 Humidity 65% - should I adjust this, no external pip yet - do i need to adjust after that?
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