Duck egg air sac/humidity, am I doing this right??? (pictures attached)

No updates just yet - she has however moved her egg a little ... last night around midnight my time she was facing the same direction as all the others .. today she's moved and the pushed up shell is off.. is this normal? That white is of the outter membrane? It doesn't look to have a hole, i can see a very very faint mark but no hole... do I need to do anything? I have to do safety hole for my small one (if she hasn't expired yet) so I can do something if need be. I've got the temp/humidity up in the room I'm in to help with heat loss..not sure if it works like that ... Ill leave her be for now.

Incubator temp 99 hum 66%
Room temp 76 hum 66% 20180721_100550.jpg
Shrink wrapped or stuck or normal ... ok I'm totally freaking out now.. I candeled to find her, popped of shell toward middle of air sac and it looks like shes stuck ... crap...crap what do I do? Shes in bator now I'll upload video in just a minute 20180721_111833.jpg

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