Duck Eggs day 29

I tagged to see if they think same about them being Calls, btw...

Oh, also, if it really is a Call, they imprint super easy and very deep... especially a singleton...

I have it in my bra right now since it was peeping so much. Lol. Maybe it'll follow me around later.

Sure looks like Call eggs to me too! Although day 29 would really be super late for Calls, so that makes me wonder. Maybe we will know more when it fluffs up.

@Mylied Super cute little booger!! :love

Here it is dry. It's like a dark brown.
It is super cute! The bill is a tad long for a Call - but like Ravyn said that can happen if it's mixed or someone just hasn't really been breeding for short bills. The tiny eggs sure do look like Calls to me!

I actually do keep my Calls in with larger ducks - they live with a pekin female and a welsh harlequin male, who are a pair. My WH drake is very calm and adores the Calls, and since he's very bonded to his Pekin mate I'm not that worried about him trying to mate with a little Call female. Plus the Calls have a 'guard goose' that grew up with them and I have no doubt if the WH male tried to get rough with any of them that gander would step in immediately and set him straight.

Those are the only reasons I feel fine with them being together. Otherwise, I'd have them separate. With a pekin drake that could easily crush this little one if it turns about to be a female or seriously hurt him if he's a male and they fight, probably best not to keep them together.
It is SO cute!!! Any name ideas? Good luck!
No. I think I'm going to do a name contest on my facebook hobby farm page. Give a basket of local goodies to the person with the best name. :-D

Thanks for the help everyone! The lady I got the eggs from only got one chick to hatch from her batch and no ducklings, so she's going to give me the chick tomorrow and I'm going to share a little goat meat with her.

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