Duck Feed


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
I purchased a bag of 28% chicken/game bird starter for my baby ducks approx 6 weeks ago and it almost gone do I stay with that or is that something else I can get? I also give them a handful of peas and corn 1x daily and at time I will give them some smashed up bananas and they are outside now eating some grass.
you can switch from starter to the poultry grower/ layer pellets since they're big now..and they can eat all kinds of veggies..i give them peas, chopped spinich..cooked sweet potato, meal worms..and they forage outside.
Thank you.....I would ask at the store but sometimes they don't know what they are talking about and I don't know!!!! I gave them some baby rice cereal today as a treat and put the peas and corn on top and they were not to sure sure about it. One took some and then tried to wipe it off and the other keep going to get water to wash it down. After reading I'm wondering if I should get some grit and oyster shells for them also thats something the worker said they did not need also is there and a better water dish for them to use I just have a bowl but it looks like they get in there a poo and it get so dirty I have to change it 2-3 xs a day and they have a pool too.
Since they are eating foods other than their staple diet definitely get some chick grit. Have you read the stickies? there is some great duckling info in there and on feeds too.

I have my 5wk olds on a combo of flock raiser and duck grower... there both 18% protein, they get romaine and peas, corn etc daily but they also get outside weather permissible so get bugs, grasses etc...
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