Duck feeling Hot!


Apr 23, 2011
San Antonio
hi everyone am concerned about my duck her bill and her feet r hot not warm but hot does this mean shes not feeling well help!
Is it different from the temperature it was before, or is this the first time you've felt the temperature of the bill? Ducks normally have a body temperature that's a lot higher than ours (up to 107 degrees F).
I found this thread while searching with the same concern. Tonight is the first time I have noticed how hot my Daisy's bill is. She is a 6 week old Pekin. No other symptoms, eating well and normal behaviour. I googled but couldn't find anything.
I believe normal ducky temperature is 104F. So that might feel pretty warm to you.

If everything else seems right, just keep watch, they can pick up viruses and bacterial infections. But usually that is accompanied by slowing down, not eating, not drinking, and a few other noticeable problems.

Please keep us updated - oh, and please post an introducktion over on the duck forum if you could please. (c:
Ok, our Pekins were recently attacked. We gave them each .5 CC Penicilin injections and washed their wounds with wound spray. When they were first attacked their feet and bills did feel hot and they were slower then usual, and our Pekin female, also named Daisy, had a head wound and acted slower and wouldn't eat for a day or two. After a week of twice daily antibiotic injection and twice daily wound spray, and alternating between giving them probiotic and electrolyte supplements in their water, they were both fine.

When we noticed they had hot feet and bill tonight, we gave each of them another antibiotic injection before we put them in their coop for the night. I haven't found anything on google either.

I posted an article earlier about how well our doctoring them has worked, unfortunately I'm afraid I may have posted too soon. There aren't any other symptoms, we're just worried because it's not their normal bill and feet temperature. Also, none of our 6 other ducks have this issue.
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If we had access to a vet lab, we could probably do a culture to see if the infection is somewhat resistant to the penicillin, and if so, switch to a more effective antibiotic. Without that resource, we can only guess that that might be the case...


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