There might be something wrong with her reproductive system.. but I don't think she could've lived that long with an egg stuck.
Well as soon as the egg came out well I had to remove the egg myself cause she could no way push it out herself. She stopped all the extreme gasping but the next mornin it seemed as though she wanted to lay again
Well as soon as the egg came out well I had to remove the egg myself cause she could no way push it out herself. She stopped all the extreme gasping but the next mornin it seemed as though she wanted to lay again
Well, I'd start giving her calcium supplements and see if that helps. @Miss Lydia can you direct here what to give and how much?
I give them layers pellets so I'm sure they contain the sufficient amount of calcium for laying hens and ducks.
I can't tell by the way you phrase your posts if you are wanting more advice/input or not. 💁🏻‍♀️
If so, here is what I think.
You can't be sure about anything if your duck is still having issues laying.
Layer feed may not have all the nutrition your duck needs so it could be a nutrition issue not related to calcium. Besides the fact that some individuals need more calcium than others.
Feeding layer is not a guarantee that it's not calcium deficient.
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Also when we suspect one of our ducks or other female poultry is having problems passing an egg we have other options to give them to help. Calcium Gluconate will help with contractions so they are able to push the egg out. 1ml 2x a day until the egg passes. Calcium citrate is another good one if the egg is coming out soft [soft shell] . My females eat layer and I offer oyster shell on the side and they gobble it up like it's candy.
I give them layers pellets so I'm sure they contain the sufficient amount of calcium for laying hens and ducks.
If your duck is laying soft shells or is egg bound they usually have a calcium deficiency. While sometimes it can also be due to other reproductive issues usually starting with treating for a calcium deficiency is the first course (especially if not taking to a vet) . The best example is to think of a deficiency is that your duck has a "tank" to hold calcium, 0 being empty and 10 being full. With the deficiency your duck is running on 0 and the Layer feed will fill the "tank" to let's say 5 which is enough to form an egg, but the "tank" is still only at 5 so you get a soft shelled egg not a hard shelled egg like you would with a full tank. You are just barely maintaining a half "tank" with the layer feed, but still not able to fill the "tank". Adding a calcium supplement helps boost the levels to over what your ducks tank can carry which is necessary for your ducks body to not only restore their calcium "tank" to full, but also be able to maintain that level in the future. Then after, when you feed your duck layer pellets their calcium "tank" level isn't starting at 0. Also for future maintenance offer oyster shells on the side so when the layer feed is not enough calcium to keep your ducks "tank" full they can self regulate their intake and hopefully prevent any future deficiencies.
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If your duck is laying soft shells they have a calcium deficiency. The best example is to think of a deficiency is that your duck has a "tank" to hold calcium, 0 being empty and 10 being full. With the deficiency your duck is running on 0 and the Layer feed will fill the "tank" to let's say 5 which is enough to form an egg, but the "tank" is still only at 5 so you get a soft shelled egg not a hard shelled egg like you would with a full tank. You are just barely maintaining a half "tank" with the layer feed, but still not able to fill the "tank". Adding a calcium supplement helps boost the levels to over what your ducks tank can carry which is necessary for your ducks body to not only restore their calcium "tank" to full, but also be able to maintain that level in the future. Then after, when you feed your duck layer pellets their calcium "tank" level isn't starting at 0. Also for future maintenance offer oyster shells on the side so when the layer feed is not enough calcium to keep your ducks "tank" full they can self regulate their intake and hopefully prevent any future deficiencies.
Well the egg was hard when I removed it. It wasn't soft so it probably isn't nutritional deficiency.

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