Duck lost companion


Jan 26, 2021
I’ve had two ducks since they were about a week old. Recently, my female lost her male companion tragically. I’ve had them and held them since ducklings but they never imprinted on me. They had an extremely strong bond with each other. I’ve read some other threads, it seems like the best option is to get more ducks. I am worried about her though until then. She followed her bf around everywhere. She was also the most a skiddish of the two. I was the only one able to feed them snacks, but that was as close as they got. I’m sad I can’t even comfort her. Is there anything else I can do for her?
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First, I'm sorry for the loss of your drake, especially since it leaves your little girl alone.

Your instinct to get more ducks is the right one; they are generally much happier within a flock. It probably makes sense to get at least one other female (I'd avoid getting another drake since mating season is often very rough on the girls when there aren't even willing girlfriends to spread the romance around).

When I needed more females, I went back to the breeder who sold me my first ducks. She only had one adult girl she wasn't using to breed, so I bought Paige. Unfortunately, Paige wasn't part of the original "clique," of four, so she sometimes got left out of their hijinks. It took a long time for her to infiltrate the flock.

The next time I got more females I got two adults. Claire and Grace Kelly were inseparable, which meant it took quite a while for them to integrate.

Friendships, even among ducks, sometime take a while to develop.

In any case, although the circumstances are sad, welcome to BYC. I'm sure more folks will have good advice for you. All I can offer is my own experience, and it's all with runner ducks.
I’ve had two ducks since they were about a week old. Recently, my female lost her male companion tragically. I’ve had them and held them since ducklings but they never imprinted on me. They had an extremely strong bond with each other. I’ve read some other threads, it seems like the best option is to get more ducks. I am worried about her though until then. She followed her bf around everywhere. She was also the most a skiddish of the two. I was the only one able to feed them snacks, but that was as close as they got. I’m sad I can’t even comfort her. Is there anything else I can do for her?
You should get more adult ducks from Craigslist.
I'm very sorry for your, and your duck's, loss. My ducks and I have also grieved when we have lost a flock member.

I believe the kindest thing to do is to get your duck a friend, the sooner the better. Like other members have suggested a female is likely best to avoid mating complications. And you will be able to introduce an adult much sooner than ducklings.

I can always find adult ducks needing homes on CL, or Petfinder in the bird section.

Your duck might not be thrilled with her new friend, but I would absolutely try. I introduced new ducks into my flock twice. The first time the new ducks fit in like they had always belonged. The second time the new duck was never accepted as a loved flock member. Still, it was better than being alone, in my opinion.

Some people get their lone ducks stuffed animals or mirrors to look at themselves in. My ducks don't care about these things, but maybe yours will get some comfort in them.
Thank you. I know this is going to be hard. I wish I had been able to bound with them more but they were so close. So it does break my heart. I have been trying to look for a female. If I purchase more ducklings, do you think if I got three it might make it easier for her to bound with one?
Here is the thing about ducklings, if you get them while they are still babies you will have to raise them separate and they won't get to live together until the ducks are grown. I think the better option would he adult ducks from your local Craigslist or a local farm.
I agree.

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