Duck Morning Schedule

@Miss Lydia

Actually, it is the Pekin and Runner that chases the females. Only recently have we seen Cupcake chase those two away when they harass the girls. But, we did see two of the girls turn around and grab the chasers by tail feathers when the chase was on. I think it surprised the heck out of the Pekin and Runner. We still see chasing, but not as often.

Cupcake loves on his females. He grooms, talks and nestles next to which ever female he is interested in. None of this hit and run mating crap the two stooges do!
Hear human coming to coop.

Yell loudly so eveyone wakes up.

Do circles around coop while human gives us water and food.

Jump in the water bowl and splash it all out so human has to refill it.

Run outside and check if pool is frozen (don't want another slip and slide incident)

If pool is not frozen splash around and yell victory song

If pool is frozen or we are done swimming race too the front porch and beg for tomatoes.

If it is a no snack day: go on the rampage. Circle the house yelling loudly and drill beaks into metal siding, so the dog freaks out and thinks it's thunder.

Look for bugs and make sure mud holes are big enough.

If bored poke the chickens.

Go back to coop and eat some more.

Do secret ducky things in coop till bedtime.

Human does head count and we yell at her very loudly.

Coops closed, take an hour to find a spot to lay and quiet down.
No Dogs, Cats or naybers around here, so mine may replace those with
  • wock on humon mals wurk platfrm 'nd poo on his tools
  • drll houles in da mud, so humon will slipp an thro fud in da ear
  • jmp fnce and penic
  • snake on purch and try grbbing meal-worm bag - if bag is clsed poop on purch
  • poo into homon's wurk-shoos anyway
  • fake call humon four hawk tehn ask for lil green bals (grapes)
  • cary mud into watr bol
  • cary mud into dug-pool
  • jump into dug-pool
  • poop into dug-pool
  • call humon 'nd grouse 'bout dirty water
  • try to eat bassmunt wundow 'nd mak humon femal mad
  • ask humon femal for lil green balls
  • ask humon femal for luung yello worms (french fries)
  • tak 'bout plan to tak ovur farm
Lol I call speedy my junk food addict - shes the only one that will eat or try to eat EVERYTHING that momma does... and if momma doesn't share right away, pull a few times on her shirt tails or pant legs.

My schedule is:
1. Wake up
2. Lead which ever one spent the night to the door (sometimes it's all of them)
3. Open coop to let the rest out
4. Empty old rabbit cage tub - I called it their bathtub and the water bowl
5. Spray down raised dog bed and small ledge clean of poo
6. Clean water fill bathtub/water bowl
7. Rince out food pan, put new dry food in.
8 & 9
Depends on the day or hawks
If hawks or I have to leave for the day, usher them into the cleaned pen.
If nice day and I stay home, I let range in the backyard while I do laundry and clean the pools and coop.

Schedule according to the crazies
1. Follow crazy momma lady outside
2. Yell so everyone knows I'm still alive and dog didn't eat me
3. Barrel out of small door as soon as open to yell at whoever wasn't in bed all night
4. Yell back and forth at each other by small pool while dunking heads in the pool.
5. Screech like a crazier woman when crazy momma sprays water snake at us.
6. Slurp mud as crazy momma uses water snake in wire house
7. Screech when water snake moves
8. Eat grass
9. Jump in pool, swim, then dive bomb under water then jump out flapping like a crazy
10. Follow crazy cooing momma to food pan as she fills it and puts it in wire house
11. Scan sky and make little chirps to let crazies and momma know something in sky
12. Loud clapping, fall in line to wire pen - always sugar thinks momma should chase her around pen.
13. Splish splash in bathtub, eat food, perch on orange bed
14. Give crazy momma side eye glare for leaving us in pen all day until dark.
15. Beat wire house with wings when crazy momma comes to let us out.
16. Yell for treats
17. Splish splash time even though we see mommas breath in the cold
18. White bar means bedtime, line into coop, except sugar she makes momma put her in the coop after everyone else goes in.
  • ::mutters:: Stupid roosters crowing and it's only 4:00 in the morning. SHUT UP REUBEN and RED!!
  • Snooze
  • Wakes
  • ::Thinks:: Yesterday I plunked down an egg over there. The day before I plunked one over there. Today I think I'll climb in the nesting box and plunk an egg in it. Won't Trixie be surprised when she sits down!
  • I hear that woman rattling the feed bag. Time to make my presence known.
  • [I put the feed out, fill the water, and when needed change the water tub out before I let the flock out about 1/2 hour after sunup.]
  • Everyone hustles out of the coop and to their preferred feed bowl.
  • Ducks take a morning bath.
  • Eat, drink, poop.
  • Eat, drink, poop.
  • Eat, drink, poop, quack, crow.
  • Rinse and repeat
  • The flock spends most of the day in the run.
  • 1.5 - 2 hours before sundown, free play time.
  • Hurry around the house, poop on the front porch.
  • Hurry around back, poop on the sidewalk.
  • Hurry around the side, dirtbath under the camper.
  • Hurry to the run, she's slinging some scratch grains before bed.
  • Saunter in to coop, sun is going down.
  • Chickens on the roost.
  • Ducks underneath getting pooped on.
  • Sleep till the dumb roosters start up again.
  • ::mutters:: Stupid roosters crowing and it's only 4:00 in the morning. SHUT UP REUBEN and RED!!
  • Snooze
  • Wakes
  • ::Thinks:: Yesterday I plunked down an egg over there. The day before I plunked one over there. Today I think I'll climb in the nesting box and plunk an egg in it. Won't Trixie be surprised when she sits down!
  • I hear that woman rattling the feed bag. Time to make my presence known.
  • [I put the feed out, fill the water, and when needed change the water tub out before I let the flock out about 1/2 hour after sunup.]
  • Everyone hustles out of the coop and to their preferred feed bowl.
  • Ducks take a morning bath.
  • Eat, drink, poop.
  • Eat, drink, poop.
  • Eat, drink, poop, quack, crow.
  • Rinse and repeat
  • The flock spends most of the day in the run.
  • 1.5 - 2 hours before sundown, free play time.
  • Hurry around the house, poop on the front porch.
  • Hurry around back, poop on the sidewalk.
  • Hurry around the side, dirtbath under the camper.
  • Hurry to the run, she's slinging some scratch grains before bed.
  • Saunter in to coop, sun is going down.
  • Chickens on the roost.
  • Ducks underneath getting pooped on.
  • Sleep till the dumb roosters start up again.
FUNNY! actually was just reading your post about the eggs!

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