Duck Sneezing


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2020
San Antonio, Texas
So a few days ago, my Pekin started sneezing and I got nervous so I took her to the vet. They said there was nothing in her nares and they think she sounded a little congested. They ended up giving her an antibiotic shot, and gave me antibiotics to give her. The dosage is very small, which leads me to believe that it probably wasn’t too severe. However, she is still doing it, and today is the last day of her antibiotics (she’s been on them for 4 1/2 days). I know I can probably call the vet again, but want to avoid panicking or having to leave for something small. She has no discharge, no congestion, perfectly clear. Just sounds like she’s always trying to clear her nose!

Have anyone ever experienced this? Is this normal?
It's possible that she has something stuck way back in there, or even has allergies!
Does she have deep enough water to stick her whole head in to wash out her nose and eyes?
For waterfowl, I've found buckets to be the easiest way to supply their water. They just make a giant mess of the chicken waterers and they're not deep enough for them to clean their nares out with.
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Most common reason I see birds sneezing is because they don't have deep enough water to dunk their heads in, to clean their nares out.
It's possible that she has something stuck way back in there, or even has allergies!
Does she have deep enough water to stick her whole head in to wash out her nose and eyes?
For waterfowl, I've found buckets to be the easiest way to supply their water. They just make a giant mess of the chicken waterers and they're not deep enough for them to clean their nares out with.
I do laundry soap buckets for water too and they can just about stand on their heads in them when they want to. They are also very easy to clean.
I use a Five gallon Bucket in my run too, but as a word of caution make sure that if a youngster fell in he can get out easily. Had a baby call fall in the bucket and drowned.
I use a Five gallon Bucket in my run too, but as a word of caution make sure that if a youngster fell in he can get out easily. Had a baby call fall in the bucket and drowned.
Oh, my laundry buckets are only about 1 gallon. It's the white one, the yellow one is a feed bucket. Walmart's Sun laundry detergent comes in the white bucket and I LOVE using them. So easy to clean and carry.
What kind of bedding are you using? What are you feeding? Any possibility of mold in her pen or feed?
I’m using pine shavings with shelf liner on top so they don’t pick at it. My other one started to do it too. So I don’t know if that’s any other indication of what it might be. Like I said, there “nose” isn’t running, they eat, drink, and play just fine. I almost feel like I shouldn’t worry unless things look worse, but I also don’t want to wait too long. I also clean their pen and food tray 2 times a day so I can’t imagine it’s that. I’ve read people say “it’s normal, mine do it” and others day “no it’s not normal, call the vet!” So I almost feel like it’s case by case. Correct me if I’m wrong.
It's possible that she has something stuck way back in there, or even has allergies!
Does she have deep enough water to stick her whole head in to wash out her nose and eyes?
For waterfowl, I've found buckets to be the easiest way to supply their water. They just make a giant mess of the chicken waterers and they're not deep enough for them to clean their nares out with.
Honestly, never thought ducks could have allergies.. is it the same as human allergies? (Might be a dumb question). They’re about 2 weeks old, so I can’t do a bucket yet, but I took an old food container, cut a hole in and now they can stick their head all the way in. Hoping that works

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