Duck vs. Dog incident


6 Years
May 11, 2013
I have 3 ducks, and one got too close to the dog's fence. Its the cattle panel type fencing and my dog was able to grab the duck ( a large pekin female) and drag her in and attempted to have a duckie dinner. To the ducks' advantage, he is senior and has missing and dull teeth, but he can still do a number crushing. I was able to get in and rescue, I'm not sure how long he actually had her, it seemed like forever. My husband saw it happen and called me over right away, but he probably had her for at least 60 seconds before I was able to force his jaw open and retrieve. It was pretty intense. She has no visible punctures, thankfully, no bleeding, and she seems to be ok? I know he was crushing her so I'm worried about internal effects, or egg issues. She normally lays every day. This happened tuesday evening, and so we are on the second morning, and no egg. Basically my concern now is an egg impaction or trama in her organs? She is acting normally otherwise, eats and drinks and swims, she does seem to limp slightly, but hard to tell since she waddled quite a bit anyhow. Is there anything i can do for her, or just sit and watch?
I think if there was major damage she would have gone downhill pretty fast. The stress of the event probably made her skip laying. If she is swimming and eating normally I think she will be OK, but there is always a chance that she is hiding the injury well. I would watch her for a few more days and see.
I agree, but my concern was that she was already forming an egg that may have been damaged. She is a good layer, and layed that morning, so i assume she might be halfway through making/producing the next one. I am ok with her not laying, that's not the concern, the ducks are for pleasure and amusement, not for regular egg production, that's just the bonus :) I was more worried that she'll have a damaged one cause problems internally.
Sound like she will be okay...
It's possible the stress stopped her from laying for a bit...
I would put up some poultry wire along the dogs fence so that won't happen again....

Best wishes:frow

Yes, major fencing changes are being implemented, and for now, they are all in a small contained area for observations. They usually were free roam, so they are a bit bummed for the moment.

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