Duck Wanted, N CA


12 Years
May 7, 2007
Northern California
I have a friend whose parents are looking for an adult duck -- following is her email. If you know of one, please let me know.


My parents gave one of their male ducks away. It was just too mean. The remaining duck is sooooo VERY sad-- we are afraid it might die of heartbreak. They are looking for a female duck to bring it some company. I was wondering if you could contact your yahoo group. They are in Atwater/Merced area but are willing to drive to the Rocklin/Roseville (even Auburn) area to pick one up. My dad is willing to purchase the female duck but they are really looking for a friendly hand raised one. Not a duckling-- not a really old one either since it's early death would probably kill off Henry. It has to be female though. They don't want another male. I told them I would ask you and see if you could find one. Thanks.

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