Duck with Bumblefoot (Warning Viewer Discretion Is Advised)

And you can do it:thumbsup   But, speaking from experience having worked at a Vet and of course having many a Vet bills myself... they should not charge the same full price.  You might want to call them just to ask what the charges on a 're-check' or call it a 'follow-up.'  Good luck either way you go:fl

We did call the vet, since she'd have to do the exact same thing to his foot, it's not going to be much cheaper than last time. We're still not sure what we're gonna do yet, we've been discussing it.
We did call the vet, since she'd have to do the exact same thing to his foot, it's not going to be much cheaper than last time. We're still not sure what we're gonna do yet, we've been discussing it.
Gees, I wish Vets were in it for the love of animals and not money. I am certain you can do this. have you thought about becoming a Veterinarian?

Lol. Awe, how exciting!!! Congrats on the hatch! Please share pics!
Well do, thank you. They are still drying off and one has a bit of a naval problem but I will post pics soon.

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