Duckling leg problems - advice


6 Years
Feb 15, 2018
North Carolina
I have a now 22-day old Pekin duckling that has leg problems. His legs cross over one another between the knee and foot. He can't walk and just kind of pushes himself along the floor or ground. I was trying to work with him by letting him swim in the bathtub but today he can't even swim. His legs hit one another causing him to go under and the only way he can keep his head above water is if I hold his chest up.

I had hoped it was just a small problem but I'm thinking now he'll have this for the rest of his life. I have no info on disabled ducks or keeping a duck in the house. So any advice would be wonderful and maybe even some ideas on something I can make him at home that will help him walk.

He started out 100% normal but after a fall he's become like this. He's eating and drinking, peeping and seems happy otherwise.
I have a now 22-day old Pekin duckling that has leg problems. His legs cross over one another between the knee and foot. He can't walk and just kind of pushes himself along the floor or ground. I was trying to work with him by letting him swim in the bathtub but today he can't even swim. His legs hit one another causing him to go under and the only way he can keep his head above water is if I hold his chest up.

I had hoped it was just a small problem but I'm thinking now he'll have this for the rest of his life. I have no info on disabled ducks or keeping a duck in the house. So any advice would be wonderful and maybe even some ideas on something I can make him at home that will help him walk.

He started out 100% normal but after a fall he's become like this. He's eating and drinking, peeping and seems happy otherwise.

Is it a possible niacin deficit? What are you feeding including treats and supplements?

Sorry for your duckie's trouble. :(

Hope he recovers and feels better quickly! :fl
Is it a possible niacin deficit? What are you feeding including treats and supplements?

Sorry for your duckie's trouble. :(

Hope he recovers and feels better quickly! :fl

I've been feeding them DuMOR 20% duck starter feed. I've given them some ground up mill worms as well and a bit of grit but that's mostly it.

Should I find some vitamins and see if that'll help. He just seems to get worst every day yet his other 8 siblings are all fine.
Your feeding him duck starter that is a good feed formulated for ducklings.

You say after a fall this started, can you explain what happened ?

It could be a niacin def or an injury that never healed.
More info would be great. @Chickycammy
I've been feeding them DuMOR 20% duck starter feed. I've given them some ground up mill worms as well and a bit of grit but that's mostly it.

Should I find some vitamins and see if that'll help. He just seems to get worst every day yet his other 8 siblings are all fine.
I would definitely try some vitamins...

and also consider following the advice of chickens really!

The fact that one is doing poor while other are not.. may indicate that it could be genetic. Not all birds hatched to the same parents will have have the same immunity and such. Sadly good verses bad genes are never distributed evenly and someone get the short stick. :hmm

In addition... I might consider using something other than Dumor... All though I haven't any personal experience, I have read of too many people's birds doing poorly on that brand... which I think is just a TSC brand that's maybe even produced by Purina? I have no usual brand loyalty to poultry feed other than what is available to me at a price I can afford... and FRESH, since nutrients do diminish with long term storage.

You say after a fall this started, can you explain what happened ?
Nice catch. :thumbsup
Thanks I am seriously leaning towards this as the ducklings trouble.

Hoping we hear back from the OP soon

Many people keep Pekins as pets because they have such awesome personalities. Yes they can have leg problems because they grow fast but if caught early can be helped. Shouldn't deter someone for getting them as a pet.
Wow, ya'll hit fast on and I can't keep up.

Yes, it started after my brother's kid dropped him. I thought his leg was broke but couldn't find any breaks. It hurt his crop as well as only half fills up when he eats and it'll fill up to his jaw before he pukes it all up. So I've been limiting his food to just enough for it to fill then I wait until it's empty to feed him again.

He started his walking problems right after the fall and that leg would pull inward as his moved and now it's completely crossed the other and it's looking odd around his hips.
Poor thing. I know young kids love ducklings and want to hold them because they’re so cute but there’s always a chance that they may accidentally drop the duckling. You try giving him extra niacin and calcium supplements to strengthen his legs. As for his crop I’m not sure what can be done for that because it could be an internal injury. Could you try using gauze and the material used for broken arms to wrap his legs and to give him added support. It might also help his bones to develope straight and in the right position. Because he is still growing there is a good chance his legs may still heal. I recommend taking him to a certified bird vet to further discover what is going on with his crop

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