duckling with leaking yolk??

Let's take a really fast look at him let's make sure he's still alive at least then will just throw him back and wait..

Just to make sure, you want me to just quickly candle the on that has not pipped and make sure she's ok but not open yet?
Just a quick update. The baby girl is doing good but she is lonely. I've seen her eating a bit of the feed and shown her the water a few times. My son said he's seen her walk up and drink so that made me feel better.
she is cute and happy to hear she's doing better.
She is moving a lot and i can hear a faint tap just like the other one last night but no chirping.
Your welcome.
I think that is a good sign. What I think she meant was to check on him to see if he is alive and if he is than just wait until tomarow to get him out. She is 30 mins away form me and it is 10:00 right now.
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