Duckling's Heart Sounds Crunchy?


Sep 16, 2022
Hi! Yesterday I had a duckling hatch, and I noticed that it's heart(?) sounds crunchy. It hatched from the small side of the egg and I'm not sure who the parents are(it is possible that it could have been inbred). It was the only duckling to hatch out of 14 that my duck started sitting on, but then abandoned. When I moved the eggs to the incubator they were already cold. Could this have been the cause? I've noticed that when it's napping the sound is much quieter, but when it's running around it's quite loud. Other than that, it seems healthy. It hasn't started eating or drinking yet, but it's first poop was normal. It's very lively and doesn't seem like it's in pain. Is the sound something I should be concerned about?
Okay! Here is the baby :D
I'm not sure there is anything you can do but wait it out Sure sounds lively and great to hear it's eating and drinking and pooping normal and running around all pluses. Please keep us informed too. AND
Thank you! I have an update as well:
About two-ish hours ago while the duckling was eating, it started gasping for air and it sounded really crunchy. I had had this happen before with two other ducklings that we hatched out, but they died shortly after hatching. It was rapidly declining for about an hour and a half, but suddenly perked right back up again and started breathing normally, as though nothing had happened. I'm so glad that it fought through it(I was so relieved afterwards I broke down in tears), and hopefully this isn't a reoccurring thing.
Yep! And thank you! My one duck decided she was going to nest, but then abandoned the eggs. The mom is half Khaki Campbell and half crested. We don’t know who the dad is for sure, but we think it’s one of our half pekin, half Khaki Campbell males

It almost sounds like a creaking floor board when someone walks over it. The duckling sounds nice and lively though. Is it eating yet?

COULD it be something it's walking on? or under the brooder? Silly question, I know, but I was driving once and kept hearing a rattling each time I accelerated. Pulled over and DH did that 'look under the hood pensively' thing but couldn't hear anything. And then I figured out what it was: the ice in the drink in the cup holder!

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