Ducks are good at hiding symptoms.. This says chickens but it is poultry. Can you ask the vet if An injection of Calcium gluconate would help saying we have a few members here who had egg bound ducks an used calcium gluconate and one @Amiga took hers to a vet and she got a calcium gluconate injection.
Thanks for mentioning it. I will send a message to the vet now. Isn’t calcium injection bad for heart? I heard this from a vet once
In the website you shared it has mentioned moist too! I haven’t tried that yet
I’m gonna place a humidifier in the room asap.
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In the book raising chickens for dummies it also recommends using a heating pad wrapped in a towel on low setting and placing the duck, chicken on it supposedly the warmth can help. I’ve only ever had one duck that was egg bound and didn’t know all of this then. And no I haven’t heard of it being bad for the heart but since it would only be a one time injection anyway? Have you tried Daisy on scrambled egg?
In the book raising chickens for dummies it also recommends using a heating pad wrapped in a towel on low setting and placing the duck, chicken on it supposedly the warmth can help. I’ve only ever had one duck that was egg bound and didn’t know all of this then. And no I haven’t heard of it being bad for the heart but since it would only be a one time injection anyway? Have you tried Daisy on scrambled egg?
I will try it but since she’s stressed she doesn’t want me near her or holding her. I’m afraid the stress has negative effect..
The clinic is closed now but tomorrow I will ask them to inject her Calcium.
I’ve been giving her boiled egg and it’s the only thing she loves at the moment. But an egg scrambled with olive oil sounds good, thanks
No sure but it’s not good to go many. That’s why I was thinking the shot may get it moving faster. Eating egg is good loaded with good nutrients!! Plenty of water too! Is she drinking a good amount?
No sure but it’s not good to go many. That’s why I was thinking the shot may get it moving faster. Eating egg is good loaded with good nutrients!! Plenty of water too! Is she drinking a good amount?
Her main symptoms started from Thursday and today is sunday which marks day 4🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so terrified
She’s drinking good but not as much as she used to before..

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