Ducks Cant decide.



For nothing will be impossible with God-Luke 1:37
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
I can only have 2 ducks because of town ordinance. But i cant decide between Welsh harlequin, blue swedish or orpington ducks. They wont be able to free range but will be in the run with the chickens about a 25 to 30 ft long by about 17 ft wide. I will be building a coop that will go in the corner of the run that will be 16 sq feet(is this to big or to small?). Also they cant be super loud, we have nieghbors about 5 houses up that have some i dont ever hear them. Also what brewers yeast would you reccomend? I will probably be using duckling starter and grower when they are ducklings then switch them to chicken layer feed, so i dont have to buy 2 seperate feeds. And i cant get all flock feed unless i order it. Thanks in advance.
I have welsh harlequin and they are pretty quiet. If you're only getting two you'll want to make sure both are female - you shouldn't have male ducks with your chickens anyway. Also consider the fact that ducks use water in a whole different way then chickens. They need deep waterers to dunk their heads in when they eat, and they're really happiest when they have a pool to swim in - it's in their nature!
A 16 sqft coop is plenty big enough for 2 ducks. The ducks won't be able to have layer feed till they are of laying age which is 6 months old. However, it really is better for them to have all flock with layer feed on the side.

As for finding a quiet breed, the only quiet ducks breeds are muscovy. Unless, you want drakes, which I kind of doubt. I have Saxony, Swedes, welsh harlequin, Cayuga, runners, khaki Campbell, Pekin, and call ducks. My swedish are probably the most quiet, but they can be LOUD! My Welsh harlequin are very LOUD and chatty right now. I don't have buffs, but every breed I have is loud at one time or another. I don't have buffs, but you are going to find people saying they are loud. Also, every ducks is an individual. You will find some to be quiet and others to be loud in the same breed.
I second what @Quatie said. Female ducks that are from the mallard-derived breeds will be LOUD no matter what. For a quiet female, go with Muscovy (no, that isn't me being biased, lol!). And the Muscovy hens are the same size (sometimes smaller!) that 'regular' ducks, as compared to the huge males.
I have welsh harlequin and they are pretty quiet. If you're only getting two you'll want to make sure both are female - you shouldn't have male ducks with your chickens anyway. Also consider the fact that ducks use water in a whole different way then chickens. They need deep waterers to dunk their heads in when they eat, and they're really happiest when they have a pool to swim in - it's in their nature!
Ok thank you, i will be getting a kiddie pool for them plus other black tubs.
A 16 sqft coop is plenty big enough for 2 ducks. The ducks won't be able to have layer feed till they are of laying age which is 6 months old. However, it really is better for them to have all flock with layer feed on the side.

As for finding a quiet breed, the only quiet ducks breeds are muscovy. Unless, you want drakes, which I kind of doubt. I have Saxony, Swedes, welsh harlequin, Cayuga, runners, khaki Campbell, Pekin, and call ducks. My swedish are probably the most quiet, but they can be LOUD! My Welsh harlequin are very LOUD and chatty right now. I don't have buffs, but every breed I have is loud at one time or another. I don't have buffs, but you are going to find people saying they are loud. Also, every ducks is an individual. You will find some to be quiet and others to be loud in the same breed.
Ok thank you! I knew that i couldnt feed layer feed till 6 months. I dont want drakes. I know the people up the road from us has kakhis and cayugas i think. The loudness doesnt affect me its the neighbors, but whats the difference when there are dogs barking every second of the day. I figured ducks were about the same as chickens some are loud and some are quieter.
I second what @Quatie said. Female ducks that are from the mallard-derived breeds will be LOUD no matter what. For a quiet female, go with Muscovy (no, that isn't me being biased, lol!). And the Muscovy hens are the same size (sometimes smaller!) that 'regular' ducks, as compared to the huge males.
Ok thank you!
Ok thank you! I knew that i couldnt feed layer feed till 6 months. I dont want drakes. I know the people up the road from us has kakhis and cayugas i think. The loudness doesnt affect me its the neighbors, but whats the difference when there are dogs barking every second of the day. I figured ducks were about the same as chickens some are loud and some are quieter.
Yeah I wish I could say there was one breed over another that was quieter. I would probably lean against swedish ducks. I love them, but they really love to forage. If given the chance, mine will bypass the food and water to forage first thing in the morning. Welsh harlequin may be a better option. They definitely love to forage, but they don't quite have as much drive to forage. I can't say about buffs.
Yeah I wish I could say there was one breed over another that was quieter. I would probably lean against swedish ducks. I love them, but they really love to forage. If given the chance, mine will bypass the food and water to forage first thing in the morning. Welsh harlequin may be a better option. They definitely love to forage, but they don't quite have as much drive to forage. I can't say about buffs.
I love them all! But lowered it down to those breeds. Also is there anything that ducks cant have that chickens can i feed my chickens pecking order scratch grains and free range blend, can ducks eat that to? And do ducks need grit ive heard some people say yes and some say no? I would be able to let the ducks walk on a harness🤣. And then they could wander. TIA
I love them all! But lowered it down to those breeds. Also is there anything that ducks cant have that chickens can i feed my chickens pecking order scratch grains and free range blend, can ducks eat that to? And do ducks need grit ive heard some people say yes and some say no? I would be able to let the ducks walk on a harness🤣. And then they could wander. TIA
They can eat pretty much anything that chickens can. Bread is the only thing I can think of that ducks can't have, because it fills ducks up and has essential no nutritional value for them. If they don't free range, they will likely need grit. Even with free ranging, it is not a bad idea to have grit available to them. Otherwise, ducks pick up natural grit from the ground.

I have seen some people put their ducks on a leash. They seem pretty happy with it. Going on walks. Once they get used to a harness, I am sure they will enjoy exploring.

Are you leaning towards one breed over another?

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