Ducks Ducks and more Ducks

Whew! @redchick652 looks like you have your hands full! I guess we will start with the basics, even though I'm sure you're figuring things out as you go!

What are you feeding them?
Most of us prefer to feed an "all flock" pellet or crumble. You can find it in several different brands at your local TSC or feed store.

How are you housing them?
Even though our silly feather babies prefer to sleep in the open air most nights, and always love playing in the rain, they will still need a safe, dry space to call home!

Water, water, water!
Ducks need constant access to water deep enough to clean their bill and nares. They love having pools to bathe in, but it's not a necessity as long as they have several other sources for water. Personally, I prefer buckets over any waterers, because they are easily dumped and cleaned, also the ducks can dunk their whole head in.

What are your goals for your flock?
Are you raising ducks for meat, eggs, entertainment, or all of the above?
Whew! @redchick652 looks like you have your hands full! I guess we will start with the basics, even though I'm sure you're figuring things out as you go!

What are you feeding them?
Most of us prefer to feed an "all flock" pellet or crumble. You can find it in several different brands at your local TSC or feed store.

How are you housing them?
Even though our silly feather babies prefer to sleep in the open air most nights, and always love playing in the rain, they will still need a safe, dry space to call home!

Water, water, water!
Ducks need constant access to water deep enough to clean their bill and nares. They love having pools to bathe in, but it's not a necessity as long as they have several other sources for water. Personally, I prefer buckets over any waterers, because they are easily dumped and cleaned, also the ducks can dunk their whole head in.

What are your goals for your flock?
Are you raising ducks for meat, eggs, entertainment, or all of the above?
You sound a little like me, when I bought my house I also got the flock with it so I’m learning a lot about chickens and ducks in the 8 weeks I’ve had them. I had to be told all the breeds I have too.
I didn't buy my house with the flock. I take care of an elder lady and they belong to her but I take care of them like they're mine.
Whew! @redchick652 looks like you have your hands full! I guess we will start with the basics, even though I'm sure you're figuring things out as you go!

What are you feeding them?
Most of us prefer to feed an "all flock" pellet or crumble. You can find it in several different brands at your local TSC or feed store.

How are you housing them?
Even though our silly feather babies prefer to sleep in the open air most nights, and always love playing in the rain, they will still need a safe, dry space to call home!

Water, water, water!
Ducks need constant access to water deep enough to clean their bills and nares. They love having pools to bathe in, but it's not a necessity as long as they have several other sources for water. Personally, I prefer buckets over any waterers, because they are easily dumped and cleaned, also the ducks can dunk their whole head in.

What are your goals for your flock?
Are you raising ducks for meat, eggs, entertainment, or all of the above?
Wheat and some other stuff are what they eat and grass and bugs. Their free-range witch means they go where they please and at first, they were sleeping with the chickens, now all of a sudden they wanna sleep in the open air like the geese. We have a pool that they share with the geese and it gets cleaned daily. Their water all over the place with having ditches and cattle. We have water troughs too. Were also looking to sale a couple of are ducks because it's too many. Entertainment and eggs but before we got them. The couple before us that had them want them for meat and eggs. I just want them for entertainment because there fastening and I like ducks because they quack and they walk in a line it cute and funny

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