Dude looks like a lady.....

I have Light Brahmas and your roo looks like my roos twin, and the other chicken looks like my hens who are about 16 weeks and not laying yet.
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Oh yea, Roo-Boy. We have one that looks exactly like him....We thought he was a girl too, 5 months old, no spurs,no hackles....til recently.....two other "pullets" I got have gone to the Roo side..... We have re-named our coop The Green Gender Re-assignment Clinic....I seem to have a knack for picking roos....<sigh>
Those pictures actually don't do him justice. He's getting to be the most handsome out of the bunch, and we've got a beautiful Orpington and Polish. I'm hoping we could find him a home. Actually, I'm hoping he won't be too vocal, and he could hang with us a while longer. Maybe make us some baby chicks.

It's too bad really our town is so dead set against roosters. If he doesn't make too much noise, none of the neighbors will find out and we may be able to keep him.

My boyfriend just told me he now wants to eat him.
That is a very good idea, I was going to start with craigslist, but here is better.

We live in Framingham, Ma. If anyone would like a little Brahma rooster, he's yours as long as you promise he won't be destined for the pot (because after all, my boyfriend has a plan for him if all else fails).
So I caught him crowing again this morning, and when I let everybody out for the day, he was trying to charge the ladies, but no one was having it.

I can't believe we missed the fact that he was a he for so long.
I listed mine on Craigslist which I thought went completely ignored -- no one called. Then one bright shiney day, about a week to ten days later I got this wonderful phone call from the nicest girl. My little cochin rooster went to live on fourteen acres with three silky hens. So don't give up trying to re-home him. I charged a "re-homing fee" that was too high for someone who might want him just to drop in a soup pot.

And if the Craigslist ad didn't work I was going to print a half sheet flyer, photo included, to pass out to 4-Hers at our local county fair.

Are there petting zoos or parks near you? A friend has re-homed her rooster to a park.

I hope you find a good new home for him.

Since you're in Mass., you could call Nevins Farm, the MSPCA site in Methuen. They have a whole bunch of roosters up for adoption, and might consider taking on another. The birds seem to live a good life there. I HAVE a rooster I don't always want and certainly didn't sign on for, and still considered taking home one of theirs, he was so mellow and friendly! Their website is http://www.mspca.org/adoption/methuen-nevins/. Very nice facility, with very dedicated staff.

As someone else mentioned, there is always the 4-H. I live in the town where the Middlesex County 4-H Fairgrounds is located. My kids have attended their aviculture meetings on and off since the idea of raising chickens became a possible reality for us - all brought on by a visit to that bloody fair! If you PM me, I can send you the contact info for the local aviculture leader, who can distribute your offer far and wide, to other area 4-H groups as well. They pass on adoption requests all the time, and your little guy might be a nice show opportunity for some lucky kid.

Last resort for me would be Craigslist. While you might get lucky with someone who is honestly not interested in eating him, there is no way to control what happens to him once he goes to his new home. So many of the local posts I've seen for people WANTING roosters just scream "I'm gonna eat them!" to me.

Best of luck re-homing him. I feel for you.

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