Due around 3/26? **non-intervention success story pg 9**

Friday starts my count down on my first three turkey eggs ever.

These are my first turkey eggs from my own hens and that makes me weirdly attatched to the wee buggers.

My first three "homemade" chicks are doing well in the brooder. So I've already had a fix this week but the turkeys are next in line, then my bbs Rock eggs get here today to go with my PR eggs and two double yolkers. Followed by standard bronze turkey eggs at the end of the month.... followed by guineas.

I think I get to breathe again in like June.

How did this happen???

Walkswithdog -- I liked hearing about your homegrown turkey eggs you're incubating & all the other stuff you have going. I'll look forward to hearing how the poult hatch goes.


I have 7 fluffy butts this morning! :jumpyOf my 18 eggs, there are just 3 eggs right now with no visible pip. One of them I'm sure I saw rolling around yesterday. Anyone know what that means when they roll? Does it signify any particular progress, like pipping into the air cell?

Hope everyone posts an update!
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Today is day 21 on super egg and nada.

Last night I heard a very very faint scratching sound for about 15 seconds and got pretty exctied. I actually went strait to bed cause I didnt want to be up starteing at an egg till four in the morning , I woke up expecting a pip . And Nothing.
Gabrielle, I'm sure you'll have good news soon! Man, so much pressure on one little egg.

OCChickens, do you know what the parents are of the black chick in the picture? We just had one that looks so much like that hatch and the kids are arguing about whose roo fathered it.

I assumed (with no real knowledge) that the rocking is positioning within the egg. My assumption was reinforced by the very increased rocking that went in not yet hatched eggs after the newly hatched chicks used them as footballs.
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And I forgot my update:

We've all had a wonderful time here with our first hatch. I caught my husband getting up at 2 am watching the final one come out of its shell.

On day 18, we had 11 eggs out of an original 24 ( a whole lot of infertiles and then 1 quitter after a heat spike). Out of those 11, we have 10 wonderful chicks. The one that didn't make it drowned while pipping, and in retrospect, I realize I should have intervened. I may not have saved it, but a small chance would have been better than no chance, as it was obviously drowning.

I assisted one late last night that had been pipping away for 32 hours or more without success. Rather than zipping, it kept making new pip holes. It was exhausted and, I believe, giving up. It was a surreal experience holding an egg in my hand and chipping away slowly until I had a wet chick in my hand. The kids named the others, but I named this guy Bacchus (except we'll spell it Bokus, like the chicken sound), after the Roman god who had to be rescued from inside his mother's body by Jupiter. Bok-bok-bok- bokus!
Laura - glad to hear about your experience. That's great!

We're up to 12 chicks here -- the other 5 are pipped -- just one for now with no pip.

The chick in the picture is a dominique.

I'm curious -- how can you tell the chick is drowning? I've never seen anything obvious but have wondered about what people mean when they say that. Thanks!
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Well, ours definitely isn't a dominique! I was hoping it might be part silkie.

With ours that drowned, there was fluid coming out the pip hole. Its beak was working through the fluid, pipping and trying to peep but was soundless.
I hope this isn't too morbid for people here (sorry - I'm in the medical field) - but I'm trying to figure out the physiology of what happens when a chick pips outside the air cell & drowns. I'm guessing they can't fill their lungs with air because there's not room (without pipping into the air cell) to expand their lungs.

Any thoughts, anyone?

Thanks for providing the detail, Laura.

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