Dumbest Questions or Comments You Have Received About Birds

Nope. They're like mosquitos, they die at the first hard frost.
I teach a Chickens 101 series here for the local Grange so I hear it all. Oh, the stupidity burns:

"You gave me a rotten egg, so I threw it out!" - She was referring to a beautiful green Ameraucana egg.

"So how many eggs can she lay in a day?" - Pointing at our HUGE rooster who is literally 5 inches taller than the hens.

"The rooster has sex with the hen, she lays like a dozen eggs, then she begins brooding that same day, right?" - a local child, but a lot of the adults I've spoken to seem to think the hens are holding a dozen eggs inside themselves just walking around waiting for the rooster to get around to them and fertilize the eggs!

"So which one is the rooster?" - As the rooster is crowing just 6 feet from them, and again, he's HUGE.

"No, I'm not going in your backyard, you have a rooster! Roosters attack people, yanno." - Said while standing on our back porch, watching the flock. Said rooster is 6 feet away, completely ignoring us entirely. I went over and scooped him up, turned to the person and offered to have her pet him. She ran back in the house.

"I just found out that chickens poop eggs out their butt, I'll never eat one again!" - a misunderstanding about the vent. There are many misunderstandings about the vent.

"I thought they were like egg pods and she was going to lay them soon" - a lame excuse given after we showed the owner multiple lice pods stuck to their chicken's feathers. We were very specific about treating the poor hen.

"Chickens have really short lifespans, like a year or so, right?" - wow

"What's wrong with her legs?" - pointing to the beautiful feathers on our cochins legs.

"What's that growth thing on its head?" - pointing to the comb of a silkie cockerel.

"You have chickens but what are those other birds, some kind of quail?" - pointing to a Hamburg and Dorking. It took awhile to convince them, the Andalusian was pretty odd to them, as well.

"I thought the egg would be wet, yanno, and need cleaning or something. Like a baby." - spoken by a friend helping me gather eggs. I didn't even bother to explain.
My cousins... They came over for a visit and I showed them my 3 month old Black Star pullet. "It's going to bite me!!" while I'm holding her (the chicken) and rubbing her wattles. They think chickens are scary.. Wonder why??
I wonder what they'd do if I made them hold Big Boy...
Sister: "Why did Jasper (My rooster) just attack Pheobe (my hen)? She didnt do anything wrong."

I just put my hand on my frehead and shook my head.

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A friend of mine got some Red Sex-Link hens last spring. When they started laying a few months later, she assumed that the darker brown eggs come from the darker-colored hens, the pale brown eggs from lighter-colored hens, and the speckley colored eggs from the speckley-colored hens, etc. Later, I gave her a few Buff Minorcas, who lay white eggs. Then, when I gave her a couple RIRs, she mentioned how excited she was to have some really dark-brown eggs.

A couple months later, I showed her my flock, which among many breeds of various colors included five Black Australorps and two Black Sex-Links. Pointing to those, her VERY first question was "Oooh! What color eggs do those lay?"
I told her they lay regular brown eggs. Then she pointed to my white mixed breed hen and asked "What about her?" I told her brown eggs....
I just LOVE this thread! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten stupid questions/comments about chickens from people who think they know all about chickens.

"So, which ones are the chickens?"... as she's looking into the chicken run full of 2 dozen chickens

"What are you going to do with the eggs?"... I didn't know there was much of an option. Since I don't have roosters (which I already told her), that really narrows it down

"Are they laying eggs yet?" The chicks were only a couple weeks old, no feathers, can still be held in the palm of your hand and still living in their brooder which was in our dining room

"You know those eggs aren't safe to eat because they haven't been pasteurized"... I probably shouldn't tell her her store bought eggs aren't pasteurized either

I could go on and on... it's scary how little people know about one of the most common consumed foods in the US.
As i was fixing dinner

family member: hey dont you have a rooster

Me: Yes why

Family member: Dont roosters and hens make chicks?

Me: Yes....

Family member: Cant you put the eggs under the hen and she will sit on them

Me: No not re (interupts)

Famliy member: That means that egg is fertial ?!?!?

Me: Yes why?

Family member: you cant eat it!!!!!?????!!!!

Me: why not

Family member: But But it has a cick inside!!!

Me: It was just layed!

Family member: Ya but you know the egg has a chick inside when its layed DUUUUUAAAAA

Me: No not likely.... (looks sadly at the family member...)

Family member: Poor CHICKY!!!!

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