Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I'm sorry...I just cannot get over how stupid some people are then they act like you're the dummy....it's amazing some folk have lived this long without a keeper...
some people are only alive because we don't have large predators out all the time picking off the slow ones at the back of the herd.
aptly said
he also stated that if i lived anywhere close to him I cant have a rooster since it would wake him up in the middle of the night:rolleyes:

Hate to break it to you but that one is true lol. We stayed at a bed and breakfast when on holidays a couple years ago and they had quite a large flock free ranged in the adjoining paddock. Come 2am I was ready to strangle their darn rooster though. Must have been right outside our window and it crowed on and off for what felt like an hour.
Anywhere a light stays on all night or comes on at night where it will shine into a coop window...even from a distance... will cause a rooster to crow, doesn't matter what time of night....so, yeah, it's true.
My mother accused me of being blood-thirsty because I kill animals for food. Because my kids are fully aware of where food comes from, and how it gets on the table. Because I choose not to buy factory farmed meat. Because I would rather eat an animal that lived a healthy and humane life, on my property or a few miles down the road rather than something that lived in terrible conditions and came for who knows where.
My mother accused me of being blood-thirsty because I kill animals for food. Because my kids are fully aware of where food comes from, and how it gets on the table. Because I choose not to buy factory farmed meat. Because I would rather eat an animal that lived a healthy and humane life, on my property or a few miles down the road rather than something that lived in terrible conditions and came for who knows where.

I'm betting she eats meat from the most cruel animal food production system there has ever been in history...the current commercial agriculture system in the US.

I get the same thing from my sister, who calls me a "murderer" for the same reason....but she has more animals die from predators, trauma, neglect and illness than anyone I've ever known in all my life....most of the animals there suffer horrible, horrible deaths and some suffer for months prior to dying. We call her farm the "Death Farm", akin to hell for animals...but she would nevah, nevah kill an innocent animal on purpose.

Clearly, these people have minds that are somehow not screwed in properly, wherein cruelty isn't cruelty if they don't see it or acknowledge the animal they eat has lived and died a horrible life and death, but people who take responsibility for their food are the criminals. In the psychological world that's called "projecting".

I'm betting she eats meat from the most cruel animal food production system there has ever been in history...the current commercial agriculture system in the US.

I get the same thing from my sister, who calls me a "murderer" for the same reason....but she has more animals die from predators, trauma, neglect and illness than anyone I've ever known in all my life....most of the animals there suffer horrible, horrible deaths and some suffer for months prior to dying. We call her farm the "Death Farm", akin to hell for animals...but she would nevah, nevah kill an innocent animal on purpose.

Clearly, these people have minds that are somehow not screwed in properly, wherein cruelty isn't cruelty if they don't see it or acknowledge the animal they eat has lived and died a horrible life and death, but people who take responsibility for their food are the criminals. In the psychological world that's called "projecting".
Yep. She just loves factory farmed meat.

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