Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.


Someone put this on my facebook tonight

I'm going to have to get one of those to hang on my chicken coop. The girls barely coughed up a dozen this week.

Let's see here, that's $65 a month in organic feed divided by 4 dozen eggs a month, which comes out to $16.25 a dozen ... not counting grit, oyster shell, chicken coop, gas to pick up the feed, misc. supplies, etc.

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It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that they're not interested in learning. They believe what they believe, and that's that. Not interested in hearing anything contrary to what they've told themselves. This is the definition of ignorant. I can work with uneducated or uninformed, but willfully ignorant is hopeless.

They must be Republicans.......just kidding
Most of the time, I get honest, well-intentioned questions and comments from curious people who KNOW that they don't know much about chickens. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Rude and condescending...now, that's another story!
A friend at work sells his eggs to many other people here. yesterday he tells me, our well educated 3rd shift supervisor asked him; "So, how do you get your chickens to lay them double yoke eggs."
A 61 year old woman with masters degree ask me how many eggs does a my hen lay a day. I said 1 a day, she scowl and said just one a day? I fired back how many eggs do you produce a month?

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