Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Every now and again I stumble upon this thread and read a few pages. When I do I find myself shaking my head in disbelief at the sheer ignorance of what is understood to be the average, educated person.

My husband and I were self employed before we retired. One of our customers worked for the Federal Prison system in the kitchen where he supervised prisoners that worked there. One day he asked them "where do you think the food that you buy comes from?" The prisoner's response? "From the grocery store." So where does the grocery store get the food?" He then asked them. "From the back of the store".The prisoner replied. The guard pointed out the window at a field being worked by a farmer and told them, "THAT is where food comes from!

Another time, a few years before, I was working in a large rehabilitation center. One evening, doing a med pass, I observed a group of elderly male residents watching a flock of deer outside in the yard, enjoying corn that we had dumped for them. Handing one of the gentlemen his medicine, I leaned over and asked them if they were deciding which one they would shoot? They enthusiastically said, "YES!" and pointed out a large doe. An aide walked by at that moment and exclaimed how could we shoot one of 'our' deer? Easy. I told her. Her shock intensified at the thought of eating meat that was not bought at the grocery store. I asked her what she had for dinner the night before. Hamburgers. She replied. Where do you think hamburger comes from? I asked her. Do you think that steer voluntarily threw itself on a knife until it was dead and voluntarily agreed to have it's flesh ground up into fresh ground round so you could enjoy it slapped between a bun and smothered in onion and mustard? She literally turned green and without further comment walked away.

My very favorite story though is the day we sold a car to a couple from Chicago. My husband and I lived rural also before we retired and as they were loading the car onto a hauler, the lady said " I'll be glad to get out of here and back to the city!" Her comment surprised me. I love the rural life with its peace and tranquility. "Really?" was all I could say "Yes," she replied and leaned towards me to say in a hushed voice "We saw COWS! They were right up to against the fence. The were EATING!" I stammered something like, "well cows will do that." and hurried back into the house before I burst out laughing in front of everyone.

People are just clueless these days and it really scares me. Either they are going to be the first to die off should somebody punch the reset button or we are all going to wind up taking care of them because they cannot take care of themselves.
wow. That last one... Cows are a regular sight where we live. City lights are beautiful n all, but couldn't stand to liv there. This generation of city people is doomed. When all us farmers die off, the city people won't be able to survive! What do schools teach these days? :lol: you'd think that they thought burgers were made out of trees!
Amen, Microchick. As I have read this and many other threads, I too am quite baffled by some of the things I have read. Very few people really understand where their food comes from much less ever butchered their own meat from start to finish. Edited by Staff
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I watched a 30+ minute documentary filmed in 1950 about the way grass can be grown on land that is sub standard for food crops. Meat cattle can be grass fed much cheaper and with better health than "feed lot" or what is commonly called factory farming methods. Using substandard acreage to grow grass crops also goes far to preserve the soil, and prevent major problems with erosion and "desertification". Why have we forgotten this???
But this is off topic. So if you want to discuss it further send a PM. Otherwise we'd better stop.

:) Okay cool, carry on.
We are new to raising chickens and having our own fresh eggs but it isnt rocket science to understand that eggs in the store are NOT the freshest ! Farmers have a month to get them to stores I believe. Sigh...people dont understand where their food comes from. Fresh cackleberries are the BEST!!! ;)

This list is expanding my vocabulary big time! I just had to look up cackleberry!
I watched a 30+ minute documentary filmed in 1950 about the way grass can be grown on land that is sub standard for food crops.  Meat cattle can be grass fed much cheaper and with better health than "feed lot" or what is commonly called factory farming methods.  Using substandard acreage to grow grass crops also goes far to preserve the soil, and prevent major problems with erosion and "desertification".  Why have we forgotten this???

No corporate profit in it.
HAHAHA...it is what my Father called eggs so if you found it in a dictionary...well that would be hysterical.
I've heard eggs called cackle fruit but not cackle berries. I love it! I just threw a couple of blackberries to my hens. They will turn them into.......cackle berries!

I guess I've been lucky. The only thing people say to me when I give them a dozen eggs is Thank you, they are so much better than store bought eggs! We give our extra eggs to our garbage man and the nice ladies in the post office. Our way of saying thanks for working for (and putting up with) the public.
I've heard eggs called cackle fruit but not cackle berries. I love it! I just threw a couple of blackberries to my hens. They will turn them into.......cackle berries!

I guess I've been lucky. The only thing people say to me when I give them a dozen eggs is Thank you, they are so much better than store bought eggs! We give our extra eggs to our garbage man and the nice ladies in the post office. Our way of saying thanks for working for (and putting up with) the public.

New Vocab!!! Love it! LOL

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