Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I get very light mayo on a sandwich, or usually none at all. I don't like mayo. Friend of mine uses so much it oozes out. I can't watch her eat it as it makes me gag.
I don't like mayo myself so I use Miricle whip it's lighter don't know if any healthier but I like it better that's all. And cholesterol hmmmmm were they talking about store bought eggs or farm eggs there is a big difference!! Had some store eggs the other day I actually got sick over them

I can't do Miracle Whip at all. Not even in tuna and I manage a little mayo in that. Don't like the taste.

What is even better is when I smoke the tuna before I can it. Then mixing it with a bit of cream cheese.
RE: So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy another one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.
Edited by The Golden Egg5 - Yesterday at 10:32 pm

This is why I'm not bothered by the fact that my son is all that's left of my family. Family can be stressful. When I got married to my second ex-husband, I went back to college to complete my degree. I came home one day to find he had surprised me by making supper and he had used one of my very nice grip-stand mixing bowls from England to put it in to bake in the oven. I had a cow, yelling that it wasn't oven proof and would break. His response was that "a bowl's a bowl". I told him that next time I wanted to hang a picture, I'd use his finely calibrated torque wrench to hammer the nail, saying "a tool's a tool". That got his attention.

So, the next time your sister feels entitled to decide what SHE can do with YOUR animals, find something of hers that she values that you can use to reciprocate. "You can get more for $3 apiece", indeed. That's not her call to make. Don't get defensive about it. Just be firm and assert that it's YOUR property, YOUR decision. Period. She hasn't the right to decide to endanger it. So, be sure "the worm turns", next time she pulls a stunt like that.
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Wow that's so rude and disrespectful!

And dawn, even if they don't think of them as pets that's just disrespectful of life. What if he had gotten one? She would have thought it was acceptable for it to die a slow, painful death, terrified? And to let him in just cause she's mad? Gosh I'm making it sound like your sister has a million issues, golden egg haha

How old is she? If she is still young, like under 18, I guess it's a little more acceptable, but if she is an adult then she sounds very immature and needs to grow up.

She is 19! Haha she isn't really so bad, she just has a few episodes where she just doesn't think before she does something- well I hope so
Wow that's so rude and disrespectful!

And dawn, even if they don't think of them as pets that's just disrespectful of life. What if he had gotten one? She would have thought it was acceptable for it to die a slow, painful death, terrified? And to let him in just cause she's mad? Gosh I'm making it sound like your sister has a million issues, golden egg haha

How old is she? If she is still young, like under 18, I guess it's a little more acceptable, but if she is an adult then she sounds very immature and needs to grow up.

I know! She has no respect for life sometimes. She is a good person, but sometimes she doesn't think about the consequences to her actions. She has no experience with animals and dosesnt know what to do around them. She is 19 and she just let her anger get out of hand. I was so mad. But we sat down and talked about it and she agreed that she just let her anger explode and that it will not happen again.
RE: So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy another one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.
Edited by The Golden Egg5 - Yesterday at 10:32 pm

This is why I'm not bothered by the fact that my son is all that's left of my family. Family can be stressful. When I got married to my second ex-husband, I went back to college to complete my degree. I came home one day to find he had surprised me by making supper and he had used one of my very nice grip-stand mixing bowls from England to put it in to bake in the oven. I had a cow, yelling that it wasn't oven proof and would break. His response was that "it's just a bowl". I told him that next time I wanted to hang a picture, I'd use his finely calibrated torque wrench to hammer the nail, saying "it's just a tool". That got his attention.

So, the next time your sister feels entitled to decide what SHE can do with YOUR animals, find something of hers that she values with which you can reciprocate. "You can get more for $3 apiece", indeed. That's not her call to make. Don't get defensive about it. Just be firm and assert that it's YOUR property, YOUR decision. Period. She hasn't the right to decide to endanger it. So, be sure "the worm turns", next time he pulls a stunt like that.

She doesn't have the right at all. I explained that to her and at first she just said that she did have the right because she is older than me.... but that makes no sense to me. Just because she is older doesn't mean she is more intelligent, right? :smack

Tell your sister If she can find 2 month old chicks for 3 dollars then tell me where and if they cost more she should buy them and I'll give her 3 dollars each for them. Heck day old chicks cost that much! Two month olds would cost a bit more than that!! Especally pure breeds! I'll take every light brown Dutch game she can find!!

Ikr I wish that they only costed 3 dollars!! And on top of the initial money, you have food, water, shelter, bedding etc... she doesn't get that! And on top of that, the money isn't even the issue, they are my pets! They are equal to my dogs and cats, but she just views them as dumb smelly chickens who are meant to give eggs and then die. :rant

Oh man. I would be furious- my siblings and I are all grown- except for my youngest half-sister, but I could never imagine them acting that way!

If something did happen and one of your chickenswas injured or killed I would tally up a nice fat bill for her of every cent of water, food, shelter, electric, bedding, etc. of what went into that chicken. Ugh!!!!

Haha I know and not to mention a good ol' wad o cash for killing one of my pets!
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It's all about choices. Some people really like a soda with a meal, if you are trying to avoid empty calories, a diet soda fills both desires. The verdict is still out on the long term effects, but it isn't that strange of a choice.
Life is short and you have to enjoy it, everyone makes choices that are detrimental to their physical or mental health, the question is what do you gain from those choices.

Sweet fizzy goodness makes people happy.
Hahaha it is funny. I always chuckle at the person drinking a diet soda with their franken food. Hahahaha
It's all about choices. Some people really like a soda with a meal, if you are trying to avoid empty calories, a diet soda fills both desires. The verdict is still out on the long term effects, but it isn't that strange of a choice.
Life is short and you have to enjoy it, everyone makes choices that are detrimental to their physical or mental health, the question is what do you gain from those choices.

Sweet fizzy goodness makes people happy.

Ehhhhhhh I think the verdict is out on aspartame....:/

Anyhow, I totally get picking and choosing "bad" things to eat- my husband and I are pretty liberal with our cheat meals, but we eat stuff like Mexican food for those. Not great for you, but still real food. I was referring to the people who buy a bushel of Big Macs and fries then think ordering a *diet* soda is somehow going to undo all of that awful they just ingested, haha.
Oh my gosh. When I was in third grade, so probably 8-9 years old, I went on a road-trip with my grandparents down to California. For the three days we were driving and the week I was there, we ate nothing but fast food, At one point, I believe I asked for my grandma to buy a few apples. Later, I heard her complain to her friends on how my parents had "brainwashed her into eating healthy." That was an exact quote.
Oh my gosh. When I was in third grade, so probably 8-9 years old, I went on a road-trip with my grandparents down to California. For the three days we were driving and the week I was there, we ate nothing but fast food, At one point, I believe I asked for my grandma to buy a few apples. Later, I heard her complain to her friends on how my parents had "brainwashed her into eating healthy." That was an exact quote.

Oh man my grandparents in law are like that, haha. "Sorry your mean old parents won't let you eat this yummy candy." You mean....we won't let them eat themselves into a diabetic coma
That is just disgusting! I can't believe people would buy anything like that, but we get suckered into it by the commercials and government studies that say it's better for us. Now we know better and companies still try to get us to buy their processed, sugar laden products. I think I just lost my appetite!

Well, look at this whole gluten hysteria. People hear/read "something about gluten" being bad for you and dive in after it from the high board. Didn't pay attention to the facts, just heard the words "gluten" and "bad". But, reading up on it you learn that it's only bad for those with celiac disease or some other sort of gluten intolerance. In fact, going "gluten-free" without a good medical reason could actually be BAD for your heart.


Not to insult sheep, but people are like sheep ... better yet, they're like lemmings, following one another off a cliff.
She doesn't have the right at all. I explained that to her and at first she just said that she did have the right because she is older than me.

The only way age affects your "rights" is by being old enough to vote, drive, drink, etc. How very lame - not to mention childish. How long has she been holding that over your head? Just wait until she turns 40, 50, 60, etc. She's going to HATE that she's older, and I hope you really rub it in. Heck, I'm older than either of you .... by 50+ years, meaning I'm older than your parents, too. But, that doesn't give me the right to make decisions about your belongings. The person who BUYS them and takes CARE of them, OWNS them. THEY are the ones who can make decisions about them. The end.
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