Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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.... sacrilege!!!! I'm pretty sure I'd be in the nut house within a week... not to mention I'd eventually get fired from my job (both are required (though one is a cell phone) for work). I could actually care less about cable... .though I admit a mild addiction to the food network, HGTV and a few random shows. Come to think of it in AZ there is no way I'd want to live without AC either. I like modern society. lol

That being said, if your happy with it more power to you.
I used to think a lot like you, and there is nothing wrong with it. I just don't want to be dependent on other people. don't get me wrong guys, I love Duck Dynasty.

I just hate to see people addicted to technology, and have no real survival skills. I feel like their might be a war fought on America's soil in the next few years. I look at society and I realize if I were looking for a way to cripple it, the first thing I would do is turn off the electricity. most major government facilities have back up generators they wouldn't be affected. if and when that time ever came (I truly hope it doesn't) you wont be able to google what plants are edible or how to fertilize your tomatoes. there wont be any youtube videos on how to fix your chickens bumblefoot.

my wife is from a wealthy "high class" family, I really upset them one day in a conversation along this line. they like to refer to me as the redneck and they were cracking some Foxworthy jokes. after a little while I looked at her uncle, a self made millionaire and said "the difference between "high class" and "lower middle class" is: if technology was ever turned off, high class wouldn't know how to function. lower middle class would be right at home.

keep in mind, every great empire in the past has fallen. I hope its not in our lifetimes, but with the way things are going im afraid its going to be.

ask yourselves this "if theres no electricity, no gas, and no phone how would I survive?" if you can answer that question with a positive answer, you are ok. if the first thought in your mind is that you wont know what to do, then maybe its time to turn the tv off for a little while and plant a garden.

this is not intended to offend anyone, nor am I knocking technology. just an idea I think we should all be aware of.
I used to think a lot like you, and there is nothing wrong with it. I just don't want to be dependent on other people. don't get me wrong guys, I love Duck Dynasty.

I just hate to see people addicted to technology, and have no real survival skills. I feel like their might be a war fought on America's soil in the next few years. I look at society and I realize if I were looking for a way to cripple it, the first thing I would do is turn off the electricity. most major government facilities have back up generators they wouldn't be affected. if and when that time ever came (I truly hope it doesn't) you wont be able to google what plants are edible or how to fertilize your tomatoes. there wont be any youtube videos on how to fix your chickens bumblefoot.

my wife is from a wealthy "high class" family, I really upset them one day in a conversation along this line. they like to refer to me as the redneck and they were cracking some Foxworthy jokes. after a little while I looked at her uncle, a self made millionaire and said "the difference between "high class" and "lower middle class" is: if technology was ever turned off, high class wouldn't know how to function. lower middle class would be right at home.

keep in mind, every great empire in the past has fallen. I hope its not in our lifetimes, but with the way things are going im afraid its going to be.

ask yourselves this "if theres no electricity, no gas, and no phone how would I survive?" if you can answer that question with a positive answer, you are ok. if the first thought in your mind is that you wont know what to do, then maybe its time to turn the tv off for a little while and plant a garden.

this is not intended to offend anyone, nor am I knocking technology. just an idea I think we should all be aware of.

I agree with you, totally. The western half of the Roman Empire collapsed, because the "high class" ran it into the ground, and couldn't deal with it collapsing around them. It was the peasants that lived in the outer regions of the empire who survived, even though it was the "Dark Ages" then. That's why the Roman Empire collapsed, that we know of (most people don't realize that the eastern half of the Roman Empire (that comprised the Middle East) never did.

I run a branch of Modern Homesteaders.net, on Facebook... Modern Homesteaders of North Dakota... to teach others, and provide a way of networking to share information, how to be self-sufficient and self-reliant, to return to the ways of our grandparents and parents... my grandparents were original homesteaders here in North Dakota, and I spent my childhood summers on their 600-acre wheat farm, working at nearby farms helping out, as well... dairy, hog farms, et al. That's the reason why I'm raising my chickens and ducks, for meat and eggs, for bartering purposes... preparing for the time when our own society collapses. It will be those of us who have these skills to raise our own food, and take care of ourselves, that will survive.
Is there a discussion type group for the "modern homesteader" like this BYC one? I'm LOVING this BYC thing, but refuse to Facebook. I guess I miss out a little when it comes to networking with like minded people through FB. But I just can't back down from the commitment I made to never join it.
Do you do much alternative energy discussion on your homestead site?
I see I have some kindred spirits here besides raising chickens. I believe that those of us who camp (real camping) will be the survivors. Granted, when we lost electricity for four days a few years back we did use a generator, primarily to keep the fridges going. The internet providor didn't have backup generators so it didn't matter that our computer was up. Our home phone is over the internet so the only phone service we had was cell phones.

Back to discussing chickens, this isn't something dumb, but our insurance agent came by today to take pictures of our house. She heard our rooster crowing and commented that my wife must like raising chickens. Then she told me about a friend of hers who gives them fresh eggs and commented about how much richer they are than storebought eggs.
I see I have some kindred spirits here besides raising chickens. I believe that those of us who camp (real camping) will be the survivors. Granted, when we lost electricity for four days a few years back we did use a generator, primarily to keep the fridges going. The internet providor didn't have backup generators so it didn't matter that our computer was up. Our home phone is over the internet so the only phone service we had was cell phones.

Back to discussing chickens, this isn't something dumb, but our insurance agent came by today to take pictures of our house. She heard our rooster crowing and commented that my wife must like raising chickens. Then she told me about a friend of hers who gives them fresh eggs and commented about how much richer they are than storebought eggs.
Funny as a kid me and my brothers begged our parents to go camping and was told "you have a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in WE ARE NOT EVER GOING CAMPING!" nearest we got was a 1 or 2 star motel.
Funny as a kid me and my brothers begged our parents to go camping and was told "you have a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in WE ARE NOT EVER GOING CAMPING!" nearest we got was a 1 or 2 star motel.

My wife's idea of camping is a cabin, but she has gone tent camping with me several times. That was how we vacationed as kids, though we did use a popup camper when camping with Mom and Dad.
My camp as a kid was a rope between two trees with a tarp stretched over it and a sleeping bag spread on pine boughs. I loved it.I love being independent (tho I do like my interwebs and my tv shows) but I teach my kids how to do without modern things and still have a great time. We just got my 7 yr old his own tent for his birthday :)
Have I ever mentioned that I met my fiance after taking a zombie survival test? He liked my survivability.

So, that being said, I am an indoor pet. I hate camping. I have a bug man on speed dial should our chickens and bug prevention methods fail. I believe climate control and indoor plumbing are a necessity. I wouldn't even consider looking at a house that didn't include two full bathrooms and good windows. "Could" I live without them? Yes I did so occasionally grown up when we went camping. We never did have AC that worked worth a darn growing up (my parents had a window unit, and when they got central air it never really got to my room). Returning to the pioneer days, or turning into a post apocalyptic type environment looks really cool on TV, but I seriously hope I never have to do it myself.

I also believe firmly that providing I survived the fallout I would most likely survive. In my life I have used, and know how to use, guns (I probably can't currently hit the broad side of a barn standing 3 feet away with a shotgun), and could learn how to aim again. I hate bating a hook and get all girly about taking a fish off said hook. Really if I'm fishing, I'm there as moral support and to hold an extra fishing pole, but I "could" do it. I could learn to butcher an animal. I know how to grow a garden, and train a horse to pull a plow (providing I could get a hold of said horse). I hope I never have to... minus the garden which I want to create in raised planters next year. I miss fresh veggies.

I think if people were ever truly pushed that they would figure it out. It wouldn't be pretty. In fact I'm betting it would be downright unpleasant and turn right back into the wild west before order was restored. I'm betting people wouldn't be happy about it, but we are a very enduring and adaptable species.

And now that I have defended my people (I'm a technology loving gamer), I also have to say the people who do truly do embrace the homesteading life are pretty remarkable. Big props! I hope to never join you. I'm pretty happy as an urbanite cat chicken herder.

I do, however, think that it wouldn't be bad for kids to do more camps, learn to fish, join 4-H or the boy/girl scouts and just learn their options. I may have never ... ever... liked camping, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good thing to learn. Hey, now I know I like the inside and climate control. hehe But seriously, providing kids the opportunity to learn more about nature, farming, gardening, history, and etc (even if forced by mean adults) would be very beneficial or at least show them a different point of view.

That, and how the ever loving heck am I supposed to get my daily dose of cute/funny/educational/crazy chickens and their people if we lose the intarwebz?!
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