Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I love me some venison.... Roasts, stews, anyway I can get it! Sadly we don't hunt. I need to make some friends who will donate some venison 'cause now I am drooling for venison! Lol :)
I have heard a few crackers in my short time of chickening, but the funniest one came from our four year old son.

We had been preparing him for the processing of our first batch of roosters with some 'life lessons about food'. The next day he came to me and said;

"Dad, do you know what's inside a chicken?"

I said "No what mate?"

"Chicken, there is chicken inside a chicken!"

Like he had only just joined the dots of animal and food. I burst out laughing but was proud at the same time.

My own one was thinking that the chickens would sleep in their nest box's, don't know why but it did not occur to me that in the wild they sleep in trees hahahaha Live and learn!
Guess you didn't hear about the 1,500 lbs of venison that the hunters' association in Louisiana donated to the shelter in Shreveport. Normally, the shelter takes it, no problem. However, this year, one of their residents complained about it, and the state ordered the shelter to destroy the meat. It was perfectly good meat, processed by a meat-processing plant, and everything. All because of one individual who apparently didn't like being served "Bambi". The shelter had been taking the donation every year, for several years, and no complaints, until this year. One person ruined it for many.

Reminds me of what I read yesterday!!!...
Ever see the movie "Idiocracy?"

Someone actually believes that?!?!?!?!?
So I had a friend post a picture of a loon on her facebook page. And two people make duck jokes ("go duck yourself" and "what the duck" lol cleaver right
) And I politely say "that is not a duck it's a loon" and one guys response is "Go LOON yourself! lol" and I'm like really? No, "don't be such a LOONatic" or something like that? Something actually slightly more clever and appropriate to the picture? I give them new found knowledge and they're not even clever with it >.> lol I'm sure they're thinking "who cares! what a know it all" but if someone posted a pic of a cat saying something like "life is ruff" or "barking up the wrong tree" people would be like "that doesn't make sense! its a cat not a dog!" my point is If you're going to make stupid puns at least make sure you actually know what animal it is! lol
If they turn down edible food then I would have shown them the door the only exception is religious or health reasons or they could have simply fed the person with either a salad or vegitables instead of meat still hungry? sorry you didn't want meat now shut up or don't let the door slam on your you know what your choice.
Someone asked me why I wanted to keep my rooster, and I told them "because I want fertile eggs I can hatch." They didn't understand, so I explained "the rooster makes it so there can be a chick in the egg."
Persons reaction after eating one of my hens eggs: "I feel so bad, I just murdered a baby chicken!"
ok - do I vent here or not
. ok im gonna do it. if a person is going there can be that picky, do they really need the food bank? I personally like deer, I guess I can understand someone having an issue with it at the same time. I think if my family were going hungry, id give it a try even if I hadn't tried it.
Guess you didn't hear about the 1,500 lbs of venison that the hunters' association in Louisiana donated to the shelter in Shreveport. Normally, the shelter takes it, no problem. However, this year, one of their residents complained about it, and the state ordered the shelter to destroy the meat. It was perfectly good meat, processed by a meat-processing plant, and everything. All because of one individual who apparently didn't like being served "Bambi". The shelter had been taking the donation every year, for several years, and no complaints, until this year. One person ruined it for many.
It was 1600 pounds. Here's one of the news articles about it. I was surprised to see this happen in Louisiana. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/201...ss-rescue-mission-to-destroy-8k-of-deer-meat/
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